Chapter 32

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~Lexis's POV~

"No! She's busy with a medical file that she had to finish in the main office!" I lied to Sebastian.

To my dissapointment, he wasn't believing any of it.

He glared at me with cold eyes and his arms crossed.

"Okay, well I have to go now. Um bye!" I turned around to walk away until he grabbed my hand and pulled me to him. Not harshly but just enough to startle me.

"Lexis I thought we were friends. Why aren't you telling me the truth?" He looked me in the eyes.

"We are friends Sebastian!" I avoided the question and looked away.

"You're not answering my question." He gritted his teeth.

"I am telling you the truth!" I lied again.

"Okay, so it wont be a problem if I just go and walk into the training room right now will it?" He pointed in the direction of the building.

"I'm already telling you it's locked Sebastian!" I tried to seem convincing.

"I'll go figure that out myself." He let go of me and headed for the building with his helmet in his hand.

I took off in the other direction to the back entrance of the training room. It was a shortcut that only the sports med. team knew about.

I needed to warn Gabby.

~Gabrielle's POV~

"Chris just hear me out." I pulled on his jersey for him to look at me.

He was standing by the door and wasn't saying a word to me.

I had already locked it when he came in so he couldn't escape. Smart right?

"I already heard everything I needed to hear." He finally spoke, still not looking at me.

"But I still wan't us to be friends." I pleaded.

His face turned pale and was still looking to the side.

"Damnit! Look at me Chris! Talk to me!" I grabbed his chin and positioned his face to me.

"No!" He grabbed my wrists.

"Why the hell not?!" I yelled.

"Because! I can't look at you the same!" He blurted out, now looking at me with hurt eyes. He let go of me.

"There's nothing different! I'm still the same Chris!" I started tear up.

"It's only been a day that you have been dating that creep and it's already killing me. Everything is different now Gabby! I thought you felt the same for me as I did for you! I guess I was wrong wasn't I?"

"I don't know why you never told me sooner! I thought you hated me when we were kids and I was just some other girl that you liked at the time now!" I began to cry.

"No it was never like that! I have ALWAYS liked you. Even when we were kids. I just didn't know how to tell you so I picked on you so you would at least say something to me. When you moved I regretted not saying anything and just thought it would be easier to forget and move on." He sat on the medical bed and ran a hand through his hair.

"I dated other girls, but you were always the one I really wished was with me. When you came back and I met you at the party, all my feelings for you that I hid away all those years came back. After seeing you again, I realized... I love you."

"Oh my gosh." I started bawling and sat next to him. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and buried my face in his chest.

He held me close as well. "I know I have should have told you sooner. I was planning on asking you out yesterday but i'm too late now." He sighed.

"I wish you would have said something too. I can't hurt Sebastain though."

"That guy gets on my damn nerves." He said.

"I know, to me he's a great person though. I can't-"

"I know, it's fine. It's my fault. I hate the guy but I give him credit for asking you out before I did." He chuckled.

"Thanks for understanding." I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his cheek.

"I'll just move on I guess."

"You're always going to be my Mr. Sexyback you know that right?" I giggled.

"Hell yeah!" He grinned.

"Okay, well I guess I should let you out now." I was about to jump off the medical bed.

"Wait. I just need one last thing before I can move on." He said.

"Do I even have to ask?" I smiled.

"One kiss goodbye won't hurt anyone." He replied and passionately kissed me. I did the same and what was supposed to be a quick peck quickly turned into a makeout. I stopped and looked at the dark haired hottie.

"Goodbye." I whispered to him and rubbed our noses together in an eskimo kiss.

"If that bastard hurts you i'll kick his ass." He smiled.

I led him to the doorway and let him leave.

Goodbye Chris Stratford.

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