Chapter 29

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~Gabrielle's POV~

I stepped back from Sebastian and took a deep breath.

How was I going to tell Chris.

"Wait here Sebastian. I need to talk to Chris." I looked at him and opened the door to the inside.

Naya immediately walks outside to Sebastian as I walk in.

I see Lexis and Chris chatting on the couch. They were arguing about who's grades were higher and who was better at math.

I giggled at their arguing and sat in between them on the couch.

"Gabs! This fool is trying to say he has a higher GPA than me!" Lexis snarled at Chris and stuck her tongue out. She then walked to the kitchen to get a drink.

" Oh hey Gabby." Chris smiled.

"Hey, Lexis said you wanted to talk to me?" I smiled back.

"Yeah! It's kinda important." He chuckled.

"C'mon" I grabbed his hand and walked up to my room so we can privately talk.

We both sat on my bed and he glanced around my room.

"I wanted to tell you something."He said as he moved a strand of hair from my face.

Why did everyone have to come over when my hair was a mess?

"Y-yeah I have something to tell you too." I half smiled. I honestly don't know how i'm going to tell him.

"Oh, well you go ahead first." Chris chuckled and laid back on the bed.

"No, I wanna hear what you have to say first." I attempted to fix my hair, but it wasn't working out to well.

"Ladies first." He replied.

"You are a lady." I giggled.

We continued bickering over who's going to say something first.

"Alright! How about we just say it at the same time?" I finally said after we bickered for about ten minutes.

"1..." Chris smirked.

"2..." I said.


"I think I love you!" "I'm dating Sebastian!" We both blurted out.

Chris's eyes widened as if he was in a horror movie and sat up.

"W-what did you say?" He stuttured.

"I, I um i'm going out with Sebastian now." I looked down at the floor, not wanting to look at him hurt any longer.

"Why? Since when?" He bit his lip nervously, still with the look in his eyes.

"He's a really great guy. He's caring, sweet an-" I stopped when I noticed how upset his expression turned into.

"So what ya'll have been dating this whole time or what?" He harshly spat out.

"Um, no. He just asked me out a couple of minutes ago." I messed with my nail polish on my nails.

He stayed quiet for a moment.

"Chris I am-" I began to speak until he cut me off.

He got off the bed and looked at me. "No, that's uh great Gabrielle, that's just great. As long as you're happy right?"

He walked out of my room and I followed him down the stairs.

"Chris! Stop! Let me just explain everything. Please!" I pleaded as I tried to catch up to him.

I notice Sebastian, Naya, and Lexis downstairs in the kitchen laughing. They all stop whenever they see Chris and I.

"Chris! Wait!" I pleaded once more.

"What Gabrielle!" He turns around.

"Can we just talk about this?" I begged.

Sebastian comes and stands beside me with his hand on my shoulder.

"Hey, don't talk to my girlfriend like that dude." Sebastian says.

"Oh gosh! Give me a break." Chris groaned and rolled his eyes.

Sebastian stepped towards Chris ready to fight.

I stepped in between them and pushed Sebastian aside.

"Stop it! I just need to talk to Chris damnit!" I yelled.

Sebastian stepped back and shrugged.

"Let's go back outside Sebastian." Naya pulled him aside and walked out with him to the backyard.

I followed Chris to the front door.

He opened the door and started walking to his car parked in the front.

"Chris! Wait!" I yelled out.

He turned back around and walked to me.

"What Gabby! What else is there to say?" He still had the same look in his eyes.

"Let me explain about Sebastian." My voice cracked. I was trying to hold in my tears.

It started drizzling and Chris was getting aggravated.

"I don't wan't to know!" He started walking to his car again.

"You said you loved me!" I blurted out.

He paused and turned back around.

It started to pour rain now.

"Just forget I ever said anything." He opened the door to the car.

"No!" I began crying, drenched and standing in the rain.

"As long as he is what you want. Then i'm happy for you." Chris slammed the door and drove off.

I stood in the rain and cried some more. I didn't want Chris to leave. I didn't want this to be the last time I see him.

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