Chapter 25

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~Chris's POV~

-The next morning-

I woke up early as usual to do a morning run. I blasted my dubstep music and ran for about an hour then went back home to shower and get ready for school.

I dressed in a white v-neck, red converse, and black jeans. I didn't really want to go to school today, my back was aching and after getting awkwardly touched by that Gretzel chick I just didn't feel like going anywhere.

I just wanted to see one certain girl.

I decided to text Gabby and see if she was up for skipping school with me.

I got an immediate text back.

GABBY: I can't skip school! I have another meeting today.

CHRIS: Oh c'mon can't you just miss one meeting? I miss you already Gabs.

GABBY: You're crazy! I just saw you yesterday silly boy.

CHRIS: Please? :/

I was hoping she would say yes. I just really needed to see her and hangout like we use to before that damn Sebastian came into the picture.

GABBY: Alright, fine. But this is a one time thing!

A huge smile came across my face as I read that text. Finally.

CHRIS:Good enough for me. I'll pick you up in five.

GABBY: See you then!

I headed towards the door and I saw my parents drive off from the driveway and take off for work. We never really had "family time" anymore. When I was younger we had done everything together and it was always important for my mom to have everyone sit at the table and talk about our day at dinner. I'm an only child so it was nice to be able to have all the attention with my parents.

That is until a couple years ago when they started getting so caught up with their jobs. First it started with them both just getting home late. Then we would only be able to sit together and eat three times a week. After that it turned into once a week. Five years later and it has come down to me only seeing them go to work. They both come home and just go straight to bed, not even saying a word to me.

I miss just having a conversation with them. I talk to Belinda, our house keeper but she's only here on certain days.

I shrug it off as I walk out onto the driveway.

I get in my car and head straight to Gabby's house. I try to forget about my parents and how we don't talk. I didn't want to get myself in an upset mood and ruin my day with Gabby.

I drove up in Gabby's driveway and she came jogging out and hopping inside my car.

She was wearing a white v-neck, black jeans and red converse. Her hair was in long loose waves.

"You're such a copy cat." She smirked as she examined what I was wearing.

"You're the one that copied me!" I chuckled as she scrunched up her nose.

"Liar. You need to change. People are going think we planned this." She playfully punched my shoulder.

"Hey watch it, you don't want to hurt yourself by punching my guns of steel." I smirked.

"Oh whatever! More like water guns." She started giggling.

"Jealous. You're jealous Gabby. You know you want some of this!" I jerked my head and pointed to myself as she busted out laughing now.

"I wonder about you sometimes Chris. I think you are a little bit crazy. Now go change." She demanded as she gave me a pouting look.

"You're serious? You want me to go all the way back to my house to change when YOU are the one that copied ME?" I gave her a dull look.

"Yeah,pretty much." She smirked.

"Alright my house it is." I drove out of the driveway and headed back towards my house.

"I havent been here in a long time." Gabby said as I unlocked and opened the front door.

"Yeah, I know. You only came over when our parents would have bar-b-ques here."

"Well yeah because I was forced to come. I knew you didn't like me and I didn't like you. Were like kid enemies." She half smiled.

I walked over by the stairs to go up to my room. "And look where us 'kid enemies' are now." I smirked as I held her hand and led her upstairs.

"Your room still hasn't changed much." She giggled as she laid on my bed as I opened my drawers to get a different shirt on.

"Yeah, I still have sports trophies everywhere." I smiled.

"But you have alot more now!" She examined my room.

"I would hope so, I have to work my ass off to get them." I chuckled. She threw a pillow at me.

"Wear red." She sat up on the bed.

"Why?" I asked as I threw off my white shirt.

"Cause it looks good on you." She blushed a little. It was cute. I smiled and then pulled out a red shirt.

"There ya go." She giggled.

"Hmm...I think I wan't to go shirtless all day though." I laughed as I threw the shirt on the bed next to her.

"That's perfectly fine too." She smiled as she threw the shirt back at me. I chuckled as I put the shirt on.

She hopped off the bed and went to look at all the pictures in the hallway.

"Remember when you use to be all nerdy lookin' Chris? You would wear those big glasses and khaki shorts all the time and your socks would be all the way up to your knees." She giggled as she explained my embarrassing past.

"My mom would make me wear that. She told me I looked 'classy'. She would even call me Christopher in front of all my friends. It was some weird times." I said as I looked up at the nerdy pictures of me.

"I think we all have those wierd moments when we were younger. I mean I had thick glasses, I was scrawny looking. I had a Dora haircut. I was just a big mess." She sighed.

I felt bad for picking on her all those years. I remembered how I would trip her and call her names. It was really immature of me but I only did it because my friends did it to other girls. She was the only girl that would tell me stuff back though. I think even back then I liked her fiesty-ness.

I pulled her in for a hug. Her soft hair touched my cheek as she nestled her head into my shoulder. "You're beautiful you know that right?"

"So are you." She still had her head ony shoulder.

"Uh, a guy beautiful? I don't think so." I chuckled. "Us men prefer to be called 'sexy as hell'."

She giggled and leaned up to kiss me. "You're freaking weird I swear."

"But you like me anyways." I smiled.

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