Chapter 2

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I am saying this again haha ... This is still my first story so still kinda rough. I apologize about the writing im writing all of this on my phone so it might be a little messed up with the paragraphs and everything . Will update soon! :))

At the end of fifth grade I had found out my family and I were moving to a whole different part of Texas that was a six hour drive from my hometown because my dad had just gotten transferred. I was excited but nervous at the same time because I didn't know exactly what to expect since it was the first time I had ever had to move from the small town that I had grown up in.

When moving day came in the beginning of summer I had said bye to all my friends and even to Chris who had to come because his dad was there telling my mom and dad goodbye. Our goodbye wasmt anything specail since I still held a grudge over him for all the tricks he had been playing on me since day one I had just glanced at him for a second and said "Um bye I guess, Chris." "Oh yea bye loser." He sighed and went back to wait in his dad's car while his dad, David talked with my parents some more.

I knew i wasnt going to get to see my friends, family and Chris for a couple of weeks but when I said goodbye to all of them I didn't know it was going to be three years until I surprisingly saw my long time enemy again.

It was the end of sixth grade and we had been told that my father had been transferred again! I was just starting to get comfortable and accept the fact that where we lived was our home now and then I hear the news that we are once again moving.

This time was different though we were moving to North Louisiana which is closer to my hometown than where we had actually moved the first time. It didn't take too long to pack my things up but since we were only there for a year most of my things were in boxes still.

When we got to Louisiana, I was stunned at how pretty downtown was there. I immediatly loved it there and the best part was that it was only thirty minutes away from the Texas border and the town I'm from was only half an hour drive as well.

It was in the middle of seventh grade during my first year in Louisiana. I had already made alot of friends at my new school and met my new best friend there, Lexis. I even liked my classes there which was a big surprise to my mom because she knew I had never been to fond of school.

It was three years since the day I had last seen my friends and family from Texas and I was planning on visiting all of them during Christmas break since now they were close distance now.

On a Tuesday night I had gotten a call from my long time friend Sarah, she had said she didn't know if I had forgotten her or not but she said she had missed me was having a party for her birthday on saturday and wanted me to come. She said she had someone that she wanted me to meet again. At first I was confused because I was thinking 'oh gosh' but she promised me I would like who it was so I gave in and told her I would be there!

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