Chapter 43

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~Chris's POV~

I walked backstage and looked around to see if Gabby was still there.

After I scanned around the room a few times, I gave up on finding Gabby.

I started walking back down the hallway to go into the ball room where everyone else was.

"Chris." Someone called out from behind me.

I heard the voice and instantly recognized it.

"Where have you been?" I walked back to Gabby. I noticed the curls in her hair were all wavy now.

"I was in the bathroom fixing my makeup."

"For almost an hour?" I asked. She wasn't looking me in the eyes and it was bothering me. I could already tell something was up.

"Sorry! Damn Chris if I would have known you were going to be all grouchy I would have just come here by myself." She narrowed her eyebrows and shrugged.

"It's not that im mad, I had been worried about you for the last hour. After you accept your award you were supposed to go back and sit." I replied, I was trying to be patient and calm but she was getting an attitude.

"Says who?" She crossed her arms.

"Says the coaches, you have been to these banquets tons of know how they work Gabby."

"Whatever." She looked away, her arms were still crossed.

"What's wrong?" I asked in a nicer tone. I wanted her to quit with the bitchy attitude and really talk to me.

"Nothing. Stop asking so many questions Chris." Gabby rolled her eyes.

There is something wrong. Does she think I'm some dumbass that will believe that. I made the decision that I should apoligize since I started this little arguement.

I walked closer to her. "I'm sorry I was being an ass for snapping at you first." I kindly smiled.

She returned the smile and I pulled her in for a hug. She smelled different, she didn't smell like the usual coconut or vanilla perfume she always wore. Gabby smelled musky, like a cologne.

I then noticed something on her neck, behind her long hair. I immediately pulled her hair back and saw a love bite.

She pushed me away and placed her hair back where it was to hide the mark on her neck.

"What the hell is that?" I moved her hair away from her neck again and stepped back, staring at the mark.

"It's nothing!" She snapped and pushed passed me.

I turned and grabbed her hand, stopping her from going any farther.

"It's that bastard Sebastian isn't it!" I yelled at her.

Her eyes widened and looked down at the ground.

"Hey what's going on?" Sebastian walked down the hallway towards us. He had a huge smirk on his face.

I let go of Gabby's hand and glared at the bastard as he walked closer.

I noticed he had red lipstick smudged on the edge of his mouth. The sight enraged me.

"Is he bothering you Gabrielle?" Sebastian ran a hand through his hair like he didn't have a care in the world. He was still smirking, I wanted to beat his stupid smirk off his face.

"No, Sebastian can you just please leave us real quick." Gabby sighed.

"I think I have all the answers I need, you two can go back to making out and whatever else y'all were doing." I gave them a disqusted look.

"Oh so you told him then." Sebastian asked Gabby. He walked over to her and put his arm around her shoulder.

"No, wait Chris please can we just talk about this!" She broke away from Sebastian and grabbed my arm.

"Oh now you want to start talking huh?" I stepped away from her and narrowed my eyebrows.

"Chris please!" Her eyes started watering. I needed to get out of here, I couldn't stand to see her cry. I couldn't help but have the need to break down too.

"No, Gabs! I'm done going back and forth and this whole love triangle bullshit! You told me you were done with him and apparently by the look of your swollen lips and love bitten neck your aren't! I'm done with this!" I finally said and bolted out of the hallway, leaving Gabs and Sebastian.

I quickly rushed through the ball room where everyone was. Lexis and Ace spotted me and followed.

"Hey! What are you doing? Did you find Gabby?" Lexis innocently asked as she was walking behind me.

"Oh yeah! I found Gabby alright!" I sarcastically replied.

"Where is she then?" Ace asked.

"In the hallway with that damn Sebastian where I left them." I said as I hopped into the limo, throwing my awards to the side by the cupholders.

"WHAT! She was with Sebastian?" Lexis's eyes widened.

"Yeah, she was making out with Sebastian." I bitterly spoke.

"That's messed up, i'm sorry bro." Ace patted my back.

"She's my best friend and even i'm mad at her. That's so unlike her to go and do something like that, especially since she said she loves you." Lexis took out the pins that held up her hair.

"Well I told her i'm done with her, I give up. I can't keep going on like this Lexis." I sighed. The limo driver started to drive off.

"Yeah, I know, i'm really sorry Chris. Gabby should know better. Maybe she's not ready for a relationship or maybe she really does have feelings for Sebastian. Either way it's not fair to you or Sebastian having to fight over a girl who can't choose. She's my best friend and I love her, but you are also my friend and I think it's better for both of y'all if you two just let each other go permanently and move on." Lexis advised me, she sounded like a therapist sometimes I swear. Now I know why Gabby always went to her for advice.

"Yeah I agree Chris, there's other fish in the sea." Ace smiled as he wraped his arms around Lexis.

"But there's only one Gabby." I sighed again.

~Gabrielle's POV~

Tears started rolling down my cheeks as I watched Chris leave the hallway.

"Just forget about him Gabrielle, he's an ass anyways." Sebastian said from behind me.

"Shutup!" I snapped as I turned to face him.

"This was all a big mistake! I'm so freaking stupid." I moved my hair out of my face.

I began to walk out of the long hallway.

"Now where are you going?" Sebastian asked,clearly annoyed.

"Away from you." I rolled my eyes.

"Don't act like you don't like me!" Sebastian called out.

"This isn't acting! This is all your fault! I don't think Chris will ever forgive me you asshole!" I marched up to Sebastian and slapped him across the face.

Sebastian held his hand up to where I slapped him, he glared at me. "Don't blame this all on me.. you must have forgotten that you let me kiss you and you didn't seem to have a guilty feeling when you kissed me back!" Sebastian yelled.

"I told you we were done! Why couldn't you just leave it at that Sebastian?"

"Because I can't stand seeing you happier with Chris." He quietly said.

"Sebastian, I love him."

He looked at me with a shocked look. "Y-you do?"

"Yeah, and I was stupid and thoughtless enough to let you kiss me in the first place right after I had just told him how I felt about him too." I began to tear up again, damn these emotions.

"Go after him." Sebastian's voice cracked a little as his eyes were becoming a little puffy.

Without a word, I bolted out the door and headed toward the table we were sitting at.

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