Chapter 5

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"Uh.. no problem!" you said.

You looked out the window and saw the sun setting below the horizon. "It's getting late," you inform, "you should leave and start finding your friends.."

But inside, you knew you wanted him to stay a bit longer. It was fun having someone to talk to instead of going insane with the silence from being alone.

You stood up and walked over to the door. You turned around to expect Meliodas right behind you, but you surprisingly still see him relaxing on the couch.

"Nah, let's have a sleepover!" he suggested excitingly.

"A s-sleepover? You mean staying overnight... here?" you stammered.

Meliodas laughed. "Well yeah! I can set out to find the others tomorrow, it won't hurt. And like you said, it's getting late. I'll just stay here and leave in the morning."

You rubbed your temples and sighed in defeat. "I can't believe I'm letting you have it your way."

"Well of course, I already got you to fall in love with me," Meliodas teased.

"WHAT? Idiot!" you exclaimed, "In your damn dreams!"



You jolted awake in complete startle from the yell. You rubbed your eyes intensely as your vision cleared to reveal a smirking Meliodas cooking something that smelled absolutely delicious.

"Good morning," you greeted tiredly as you sniffed the air. "What's that wonderful smell?"

Meliodas turned off the heat of the stove and put the food on a plate before serving it to you. You stare at the perfectly cooked chicken with its golden crispy skin and rice with sliced vegetables and cut potatoes mixed into it.

Wow... this looks good!

"T-Thank you Meliodas!" you said, picking up the spoon to eat.

You paused before letting the spoon enter your mouth.

"Hey, I fell asleep on the couch didn't I? Were we really up that late talking?" you asked.

Meliodas nodded. "You rudely shut your eyes as I was explaining Boar Hat to you."

You bowed your head. "I'm sorry! That was quite rude of me."

"Don't worry about it now," he said, "Let's just say you served as one of the softest pillows I ever had."

You titled your head at his confusing response. You were about to ask what he meant until his eyes trailed away from eye contact.

"MELIODAS!" you yelled, covering your chest in pure embarrassment.

He laughed and leaned in closer to you. "I'm kidding (Y/N)! Enough talking, eat your breakfast!"

You were glad he changed the conversation and shoved the spoon in your mouth with confidence and hunger.

Instead of tasting the juicy thickness of cooked chicken and the different taste of veggies and potatoes, a wicked and nasty feeling flared up in your mouth. It eventually sent shivers down your body. The mistaken meat ruined every single one of your taste buds and your stomach grumbled in an irritated reaction.


You spat out the food on a napkin and wiped your tongue. Meliodas chuckled and poured water for you. Grabbing the cup, you gulp the water down in a matter of seconds then breath for air.

"WHAT IN THE FREAKIN WORLD WAS THAT? YOU COULD HAVE FOOD POISONED ME! YOU AS-" Before you can completely curse out the word, he covered your mouth and patted your head.

"Stop complaining, we have a big day ahead of us!"

Author's Note:

Hehe so if you watch the anime Meliodas tricks people with his good-looking food yet it has HORRIBLE taste

I might not be able to update till Friday :( I'm sorry little croutons!

(*EDITED!* This chapter was edited quite a lot from its original script to improve any errors. Apologies for the inconvenience.)

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