Chapter 29

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You held your breath as your confession slipped out of your mouth. You stared at Elizabeth, whose innocent deep, blue eyes immediately lost its pearly canvas, but replaced with hidden shock. Her pale lips were slightly pursed.

"Uh, Elizabeth-chan, are you okay?" you asked, waving a hand in front of her face.

She blinked her eyes a few times before regaining her joyful posture. Elizabeth cracked a convincing smile. "Oh, I'm alright (Y/N)-chan! I..kinda um.. thought for a second!"

You tilted your head. "Oh?"

Elizabeth brushed the hem of her skirt. "Yes, (Y/N)- chan." She then tucked a misplaced strand of hair behind her ear before continuing to scavenge for berries.

Confusion overwhelmed your head. What was that all about?

"So, uh, can we keep this between us?" you asked, almost in a begging manner. "Although Diane might have already figured that out."

Elizabeth sighed and showed off a beautiful smile. "Of course! We're friends, and thats what friends are for!" She gave a reassuring peace sign before you nodded with a decent grin.

You would expect awkward silence after this kind of conversation, but surprisingly you and Elizabeth continued your chores with no hassle, besides the snapping attitude of a moody Diane. The three of you had baskets filled with resources, returning to the Boar Hat right when the horizon turned orange.

Meliodas's POV (in Byron)

I rubbed my fake mustache as I bent over to scrutinize beets at a stand in the local market. I sniffed them, retraced their shape, but still, I have no idea what a "perfect beet" looked like. Ban's better at this stuff.

I held the purple vegetable by the tip of its roots, letting it fall to the ground. I sighed, then went to pick it up again.


What Meliodas?

This woman's bu—

Just stop.

But we both now it's worth staring at..

I know!

I'm a pervert.

But perverts like me have advantages!

So I snuck a look up the young woman's skirt, pretending to do the otherwise.


I froze, then quickly grabbed the awaiting beet and went straight back to staring at its boring features.

"Hmmm this might be the one," I mumbled, rubbing my chin.

"Captain, I saw what you did, besides I already got the beets, knew you couldn't handle it," Ban sighed, holding up the plastic bag.

King held up his pillow that was occupied with beer and merchandise.

A sweat drop occurred on my head.

"Heh....Let's just head back then..."

Back at the Boar Hat - Your POV

"Wow, there's so many ingredients!" Hawk cheered as you and Elizabeth laid out all the collected fruit on the bar counter. Diane pushed her supply through the door with her giant hand.

"Wonder what Ban is up to," Gowther piped up with a quiet voice. You looked at him curiously. He barely spoke around you.

"Either way, it's gonna leave mouthfuls of scraps!" Hawk drooled.

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