Chapter 11

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A/N: Hey guys <3 Sorry I didn't update yesterday like I promised. I had to go somewhere *^* THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 2K VIEWS AND 92 VOTES! IM SO CLOSE TO 100! Anyway I hope this chapter is okay XD Plz comment and vote! love you guys!

Meliodas's POV

I hugged (Y/N) gently as her breath started to return to its regular pace. I rubbed her back to comfort her and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

"T-thank you..Meliodas.." (Y/N) said.

I patted her head. "No problem (Y/N), now go back to sleep."

She nodded and lied back down as I pulled the blanket over her. I sighed and stared at her delicate face before heading back to my own room.


Your POV

You slowly opened your eyes, awakening to the warm ray of blinding sunlight upon your face and the loud voices coming from downstairs. You sat up and took a moment to try to remember what happened last night.

Oh nightmare..Meliodas...

You stretched and got of bed, heading straight to the bathroom. You washed your face and brushed your teeth after finding a spare toothbrush in the cabinet. You decided to do a simple side french braid for your hair and went downstairs to find the Boar Hat packed with men.

Oh god...

Meliodas scurried around like a little mouse serving the customers and taking their orders while Hawk gobbled up food scraps. You stood there not knowing what to do.

"Oi! (Y/N)!" Meliodas called. He walked up to you and smiled. "How was your sleep?" he asked.

"Good! Do you have any spare clothes?" you asked.

"Yup! I'll go grab some!"

"Aye! Wheres mah food?" one of the drunk men demanded.

"I'll be right back!" Meliodas called out to him. You took a seat at a stool by the bar counter and rested your chin on the palm of your hand.

"Dang..she's a little cutie..." you heard a young drunk man whisper at a nearby table.

"Yeah..look at her!" his partner whispered back. You rolled your eyes and decided to talk to Hawk.

"Hey Hawk!" you said, walking over to him.

"Hevvo (Y/N)! Goosh movhim!" he greeted.

You giggled as he gulped down his mouthful of food. "Sorry! I said good morning!"

"Good morning! It seems like you're enjoying yourself!" you joked.

"I sure am!" Hawk grinned.

You felt a hand on your shoulder and turned around to expect Meliodas. You frowned when it was the drunk man from earlier.

"Heyyo cutie...wanna come over and drink with me and my friends?" he offered, his breath reeking of booze.

"N-no thank you..I don't drink.." you declined nervously.

"Oh come on..that's pathetic shît!" he grabbed you by both of your wrists and pinned you to the wall.

"P-please stop!!" you yelled as you felt the pressure on your wrists begin to hurt. The rest of the men in the bar just cheered him on and whistled. The drunk man was about to lean in and nibble on your neck until he fell to the floor by a hard punch.

"Meliodas!" you yelled as he stood over the innapropriate customer.

"I don't appreciate when such an event is happening at my bar. You may leave and take your friends with you," he said in a serious yet threatening tone. The man nodded and ran out the door, being followed by his friends. Everyone else stared back at him and Meliodas, then continued on with their conversations.

Meliodas sighed. "I don't expect them to come back any sooner or later."

You massaged your wrists and winced in pain.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

"Y-yeah..thank you so much," you said, not knowing what to say.

"Your welcome! he's a jerk for doing that!" Meliodas pointed out agitatedly.

Hawk rolled his eyes and murmured,"Even though you invaded her chest area..tch.." You smiled.

"Here's your clothes!" Meliodas handed you your outfit. You thanked him again and went upstairs in your bedroom to change.

Fixing your shirt, you stared at yourself in the mirror. The top was (F/C) with buttons and a dark purple bow was tied at chest area. A frilly design bordered all around the bottom edge and the arm areas. The skirt was the same color as the bow and went a bit halfway down your thighs. You blushed at the fact it showed so much skin. You wore thigh-high socks, one of them being white while the other was purple. You then put on (F/C) flats. (this outfit is like Elizabeth's except you can have a different color than pink)

Where am I going to put the pocket knife?

You frowned at your limited spaces to hide it.

I'll just tuck it in my braid (don't ask why it's there lol)

You inserted the pocket knife in your braid so it wasn't visible and went back downstairs. All of the customers were gone, leaving Meliodas to wipe down all the tables.

"I can help!" you offered.

"It's okay! This is my last table anyway," he said.

Hawk snorted. "I expect more scraps next time!" he complained before trotting upstairs.

Meliodas stared at you with your new outfit. He circled around you, fixing some wrinkled parts of your shirt.

" I look okay?" you asked. Meliodas stopped behind you and lifted your skirt up, bending over to examine your wonders.

"Ah!!!!" you slapped his hand and kicked him, making him fly to the other side of the room. "PERVERT!" you yelled, blushing dark red.

Meliodas stood up and rubbed the back of his head. "Well we should get moving!" he said, acting like nothing happened. You crossed your arms in an embarrassed and bad mood.

"You mean leave? To where?" you asked.

Meliodas grinned. "No, I meant MOVE, like actually move!" he said.

"Eh?" you were confused at his statement.

He went outside with a goofy grin still plastered on his face.

What the hell is he doing?

You followed him and stayed at the entrance of the doorway. Meliodas patted the ground and yelled,"Alrighty! Let's get moving!"

The ground started to shake.

An earthquake? Then it started to rise. Huh?

You almost fell over due to the violent shake. You went outside and looked around. The ground was higher than the trees and elevated until it met the clouds. You could see Cain town and the mountains in the distance. The ground made a horn-like sound.

You jumped, startled from the sound coming from this puzzling phenomenon.

Meliodas pointed East. "Let's go Hawk's mom!"


(*EDITED!* This chapter was edited quite a lot from its original script to improve any errors. Apologies for the inconvenience.)

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