Chapter 43

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"We're here," your mother announced.

You bit your lip at the familiar model of your old home, its hinges and shackles growing dull. Its rustic appearance was accompanied with aged paint that was starting to peel. Despite discoloration, it's elegance was still visible in a way.

The old, yet memorable memories of Meliodas' encounter with you replayed the instant your eyes lied on the faint ditch marks in the dirt.

You felt a warm breath tickle down your neck. You smiled, already knowing it's the idiotic blonde you've developed feelings for.

"What if we could rewind time, and went back to the day I almost died right here?" Meliodas chuckled, pointing to the area where the significant event took place.

(This bïtch can't die we all know thatabjbjsbbv)

You leaned back to rest your head into the crook of his neck in response. "I'd never regret anything, knowing that you mean this much.."

But you only whispered that to yourself, so your heartfelt confession could wait.

"Sweetie?" your mom called. The other sins waited at the entrance of the cottage, wondering about the closed distance between you and Meliodas.

You blushed and pushed away his body, leaving him flushed. Rushing over, you quickly opened the door yourself to avoid the teasing expressions of your team.

The first thing you notice is the similar placement of the furniture and the humble vibe that the warm glow of the sun radiated through the window. You slowly continued to walk throughout the living room, towards the kitchen, and all around the small design.

You found yourself settling on the couch, remembering how Meliodas woke you up from your slumber to the worst breakfast you've ever had in your life. You giggled at the thought and watched the sins take their seats.

"Uhm, well, alright," your mom awkwardly began. "All of you adorable children can call me Mrs. Silver."

(YEAH thats your last name deal with author chan please :))

You rubbed your temples in embarrassment. "More than half of them are older than you mother.."

Mrs. Silver weary eyelids lifted, revealing the confusion in her old eyes. Her lips pursed. She took a silent moment and began examining each countenance in the room. Knowledge on the known criminals in front of her refreshed her mind. Mrs. Silver backed up a step in a cautious manner.

"" she pointed her finger at Elizabeth, realizing the royal presence,"everyone, you guys are the Seven Deadly Sins, aren't you?"

Meliodas, who stood by the sofa, placed a hand on your shoulder. You nodded without turning your head. It is time for your family to know the truth and the conflict at stake.

Elizabeth walked towards Mrs. Silver, whose shock was only getting greater and more alarming. Her highness took Mrs. Silver hands and rubbed them to reassure that no danger or destruction was to occur.

"Mom," you confidently took the stand..

"These are my friends, true protectors of Liones, powerful beings, and most importantly people I can proudly call my new family. People I can truly love again and who've been there for me in this dangerous fight."

"Fight?.." was the only word spoken from your mother's mouth.

"And before I explain this whole situation," you inhaled and exhaled. The questions you've always been wanting to ask now have a chance to be answered.

"I'm going to have to ask, where's father?" you weakly questioned.

Your mother frowned and shook her head. Her head hung low, yet she maintained strength towards the answer. Your mother was very strong, and you hoped you inherited that strength from her too.

"Your father died when we went out that one day to another town, before the day you went missing. He grew ill when we reached the town, but according to the medics, it wasn't regular poison. Something strange transmitted into his systems."

Merlin murmured. "A distant curse that can make a person fall horribly ill with a command of certain death from the caster, yet it requires for the caster to have an image or idea of their target."

Mrs. Silvers stared at Merlin, suspicious of her precise explanation.

Diane noticed the furious bond created by her glare. She quickly stepped in and introduced Merlin. "She's an expert on these things... I assure you she didn't cause your husband harm."

Your vision transformed to a blurry sight to indicate the incoming of your tears. All along, your father was murdered, possibly from a holy knight. But why? How did they know your family even before Meliodas? Those nightmares, were they mostly true?

You wiped your tears away to prevent any other panic.

"Mom.. I'm sorry. I wasn't there. You lost Dad, and you got home, thinking you lost me.. I'm such a horrible daughter."

Elizabeth sat next to you. "Oh, (Y/N)-chan, its not your fault.."

Your mom knelt down to your level and attempted to give you a classic smile, one she's managed to give you since faint childhood.

"I now know the truth from your friend, but as long as you tell me your reason for leaving, things can be cleared. And (Y/N), you are a treasure to your father and I."

You closed your eyes and smiled in comfort.

"Not only is our treasure strong, but even treasures hold secrets and values of their own."

You opened your eyes to see the sight of your mother again. Her words, those very words, what they meant..

She chuckled. "And by that expression, I'm guessing you already found out with the help of these sins here."

You nodded, anxiously waiting for a meaning in depth, one that can figure out your own existence.

"Your father was a formal holy knight. Mentored with Gilthunder himself."


(*EDITED!* This chapter was edited quite a lot from its original script to improve any errors. Apologies for the inconvenience.)

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