Chapter 49

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"M-My.. younger s-sister?"

Every muscle in your body went completely tense. Your eyes widened in full extent from the words that spilled out of her mouth. The electricity collected at your palms now diminished as your body filled with confusion and, for some reason, fear.

You were speechless. All you could do was stare at the girl sitting in front of you, spreading another wide grin on her lips in pure amusement from your reaction. A mere moment of silence shot through the air as she waited.

"L-Lily?" you finally were able to stammer out.

She chuckled. "Long time, no see, (Y/N)."

You couldn't take your eyes off of her. You examined every single one of her facial features to seek the beloved sister from your childhood. Her eyes were full of hatred and disgust, nothing like the Lily you knew. The real Lily's were full of kindness and purity.

Despite that visible difference, tears began to form when you realized her true appearance.

How.. how does she resemble her so much?

"No, you're not her. How dare you use that name against me!" you yelled. You refused to fall for her tricks. "How do you even know that name?"

She's the one who killed her. That's right, that's how she knows Lily's name.

The girl sighed and rolled her eyes. "Of course you'd say that. Poor you, still thinking I'd grow up to be the same brat who went frolicking in the flower fields with you, huh sissy?"

Your pupils remained enlarged with shock and your sight dropped to the ground. The sudden weight and pain that dropped into your body caused you to stumble back. The tears waiting for their cue were now rushing down your cheeks.

"How? You're dead.. you were murdered on that day.." you whispered between sniffles. "I saw it so clearly.."

Lily mocked you with another loud laugh.

"Let's just say, demon blood does a lot of favors."

You looked up to see an evil smirk plastered on her countenance. You clenched your jaw as tears continued to cloud your vision.

"D-demon blood? Have you gone MAD?" you exclaimed.

"Well, I'll take that as a compliment," she replied with a perked hand.

Your hands tightened into balls of fists. "After.. after you were killed.. I ran to Mom and Dad. When we came back your body was gone.."

You thought back to the memory of running for your life the minute her killer spotted you. By that time, screams were echoing from everywhere in the village. You remembered returning to a puddle of blood instead of your sister's dying body. You remembered the screams of your mother and your father, who stood frozen at the sight. All you did was kneel next to where she should have been.

You remember thinking it was all your fault.

"..what happened to you?"

"I honestly thought I was left there to die too," Lily spoke, "but here I am now. All that matters is that I'm stuck facing my pathetic older sister."

"Lily.." you whispered. "You're okay.. after all these years.."

"Oh SHUT UP!" she yelled. "Don't give me that büllshit."

Black and deep purple wisps began to dance around her. Her eyes glowed in response as she pointed a finger at you. The wisps crawled to her fingertip and formed a sharp dagger.

"Dark magic.." you said under your breath.

Just like Dad's power before..

Lily growled. "You let this happen to me. All you did was run away and you couldn't even protect me."

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