Chapter 20

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You stood there, perplexed and speechless. Not from trying to believe Diane's statement, but how childish and stupid it sounded.

"Uh, Diane, nice joke! But we really have to find some clothes," you said, observing the area.

"Now where in the world..."

"(Y/N) I'm serious! I'm actually implying the truth," Diane interrupted despairingly.

You sighed and craned your head upward to face her shocking purple eyes.

"Well, first you have to prove that your stating the truth," you said.

She nodded and quickly walked over to the tree you were standing next to.

"Okay, examine the forest around you. Do the trees look any bigger? And look at my size."

You squinted your eyes in confusion but obeyed her orders. You carefully scrutinized the tree and found something highly unusual.

It's roots were your height, which shouldn't be possible. Their arch-shaped figure somewhat resembled a halfway done house. You could even see the small splinters that wasn't visible before.

"What the.." you muttered.

Then, you felt something sharp yet soft brush against your knee. You jumped and looked down.

The grass's keen sides softly brushed against your pale skin.

"W-why is the grass up to my knee??" you questioned

Diane crossed her arms and snorted.

"Now, scan my size and the tree. Am I taller than it like usual?"

You peered at her and gasped. Somehow, she was half it's height. Instead of towering over the tree and casting shadows over its own, it was doing the opposite. The tree acted as if it was now the giant.

"Diane!" you yelled in disbelief.

"See? Now do you believe me?" she said, pleased with her apparent evidence.

You blushed at how you doubted her before, then placed your fist on your chest.

"Eh, sorry Diane! I should've had trusted you!" you apologized with guilt in your eyes.

She sighed and smiled. "It's fine. I understand. So now that's settled, let's find a solution to our whole 'clothes' problem."

You nodded and ran over to your regular clothes. You frowned when you realized that they no longer can serve their original purpose.

"U-um...I can't wear my clothes anymore!" you yelped.

Diane stared at you and back at the pile of fabric. She bit her lip then finally spoke up.

"They do fit me....." she thought out loud.

"You're right. But what about me?"

She picked up the clothes and ran behind a tree to swiftly change. She came out with the Boar Hat's signature outfit on.

You gave her a thumbs up, her curvy body perfecting the outfit.

Diane straightened her skirt then placed her hand on the ground.

"Since there are no clothes that are your size, I guess we'll just have to hide you."

"Wait, but where would I hide?" you asked, almost in a stage of incertitude.

Diane's cheeks flushed as she changed her eye contact towards the swaying grass.

" see, between my breasts..."

Your eyes widened. You fiddled with your fingers and sighed at the resorting solution. "Fine, if that's the only way to hide me," you stammered.

Diane cheeks puffed out. "Alright, tell me if you're comfortable."



Meliodas: WHERE? ((((;゚Д゚)))))))
Me: Dude, I was kidding.
Meliodas: Screw you....

A/N: Okay so I actually re-watched some episodes of the anime and figured out I made the most biggest mistake ever 😭 The "town" is actually supposed to be a village. It's something like "Varnia Village." I'm sorry for my horrible mistake! Never trust the internet for anime. Oh well, I have to stick with Bernia. IM SORRY FOR MY HORRIBLE WRITING SKILLS!


Author's POV

As (Y/N) tried situating herself in a comfortable position between Diane's breasts, Meliodas, King, and Gowther stepped foot into Bernia.

In Bernia, Meliodas's POV
I slowly breathed in the refreshing air, taking in the strong aroma of Ale laced into it.

"Alrighty! I'm going into one of the shops. You two can just wait out here and buy some cooking ingredients Ban would need later on," I said.

Gowther nodded while King sighed and floated to the middle of town.

I walked inside a beer shop with its loud bell signaling my arrival. The alcoholic aroma grew stronger.

"Hello young fellow! Come to get a fresh set?" a dark-blue haired man at the counter greeted.

I grinned and took a seat at the counter. "You bet! Mind giving me the newest batch?"

He nodded and faced the shelf behind him. It was mostly filled with the town's famous creations and other types of beer.

"Ale, right mate?" he asked.

"Yup! You bet."

The man went to the far right side and pulled out a crate from the very bottom. He grunted as he lifted it up onto the counter.

"Here ya go! That's 50 coins," he said.

A/N: I don't know what they say for a use of money so I'm just saying coins oops

I rummaged through my pocket and pulled out my pouch full of coins. I carefully counted them out and handed them to the helpful man.

"Thanks for coming!"

"And thanks for the Ale!" I called out as I exited the shop with the crate of Ale in my hands.

I moved the crate so it rested on my shoulder and walked over to Gowther and King who waited near the town's fountain.

"Got some food?" I asked.

"Yup!" they said in unison.


At the Boar Hat

The clacking of armor rang in the air as two cloaked suspicious figures trudged up to the front of the flourishing tavern.

"H-Hello! Welcome to the Boar Hat! Come inside for some delicious varieties of food!" Elizabeth phrased in a cute voice, posing with a peace sign.

"Why, thank you for kindly greeting us...

"Princess Elizabeth."


(*EDITED!* This chapter was edited quite a lot from its original script to improve any errors. Apologies for the inconvenience.)

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