Chapter 25

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You felt like dozing off after the long wait you had to cooperate with, but you knew you had to stay alert. There was a calm breeze maneuvering the delicate leaves of the trees and the chirping of the birds echoed into the atmosphere. The only movement was the swaying of nature around you.

You adjusted your position on the tree's trunk to sit up. If you took a nap for just the shortest amount of time, nothing bad should happen.

Your eyelids were getting heavier. You knew you were giving up on the board feeling. Just when you were about to doze of to dreamland, the ground suddenly quaked.

You jumped and quickly sat up. "What was that?" you said to yourself, frightened and scared. The birds quickly flew out of their homes and into the sky. A humongous figure towered over the area.

The loudest snort echoed into the air.

Hawk's mom!

"OI! (Y/N)! Sorry for the long wait!" a blonde figure called.

You grinned and ran up to the huge pig, who trampled all the trees in her path. Meliodas slid down the top of Hawk's mom's snout, along with the other sins trailing behind him. All of them were pretty battered up, but Elizabeth soon healed their injuries.

"I'm so glad you guys are okay!" you exclaimed, running up to them. Melodies chuckled and walked up to you with a tired look.

"Meliodas? Is everything alright?" you asked, concerned about his silence. His emerald eyes scanned your (E/C) ones for a mere moment.

Then, surprisingly, a tepid embrace squeezed your body. You felt strong, muscular arms wrap themselves around you, and a warm breath brushing against your skin. It took you a moment to process what was happening.

Meliodas was hugging you.

"M-Meliodas.." you whispered. His embrace got tighter.

"I'm so happy you're okay."

You stiffened at his kind words. You smiled and hugged him back and felt his bare skin against yours.

"Thank you...for defeating them," you whispered.

You looked up at the other sins and saw them giving you a thumbs up. Your countenance heated up. Elizabeth giggled while Diane just pouted and wandered off in jealousy.

Meliodas let go and turned to his alliances. "Good job guys!"

They cheered while King sighed. He rested on his usual floating pillow and followed Diane. You frowned, but it vanished in an instant when Hawk tottered to you.

"Were you scared, (Y/N)?" he asked with a smirk.

You shook your head and laughed. "Well, for the first part. I was worried you guys were hurt..."

A 'tch' was heard. "We're the Seven Deadly Sins, idiot," a jokester voice replied. You peered over and noticed Ban leaning on Hawk's mom. You gave a small smile.

"Captain, stop wasting time and tell her already," Merlin spoke up in a strict tone.

You gazed at Meliodas who sulked in doubt. "I guess. I mean..yeah."

You studied everyone's facial expressions. Even Ban, Gowther, and Elizabeth had a stern look. With confusion invading your mind, you questioned their behavior.

"What, what's wrong?"

Meliodas heaved a huge sigh and stood there like a statue. "(Y/N), what are you hiding from us?"

Your eyebrows lifted to indicate the need of clarification. He once again sighed and placed his hands on your shoulders.

"Your powers. I mean your powers."

You froze. The hair on your neck jumped straight up and your pupils widened. They knew, so what was the point of denying it now?

You bit your lip. With defeat, you stared down at your feet and exhaled.

"I...I do have powers. I have some sort of, electric ability. Though I never understood how I got them nor where they came from."

A sigh of relief was released from everybody. Your head shot up in fluster. ""

Meliodas chuckled. "We're just glad you didn't have to hide that from us anymore. We knew from the first couple of weeks you joined us. Oh, and Diane noticed a glow coming from her cleavage," he said with a wink.

You turned scarlet and turned the other way. "Oh god..."

"But still," Elizabeth began to aver," We can train you! We'll help you control your powers and practice your different moves."

You gasped. "You'll actually, accept me?"

"What type of question is that (Y/N)?" Meliodas said, "You're our friend."

A friend huh..

You grinned and faced everyone. "Yeah! And all of you are my friends too."



(*EDITED!* This chapter was edited quite a lot from its original script to improve any errors. Apologies for the inconvenience.)

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