Chapter 46

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ive received hate from me being too inactive and i am very sorry. from the very bottom of my heart. no amount of apologies can once again make up for it.

all i ask is for everyone to keep in mind that i am still in high school and trying to squeeze in time to finish this! it's not easy balancing numerous sports, work, activities, and then being expected to sit on my computer for 2 hours or even more. fortunately i have some breaks, so maybe a lot more chapters will be written. if you lose interest, it's on me. i understand.

thank you to those who have stayed loyal to this fanfic and haven't given up. you hold a special place in my heart <3


"Sooo Captain.. where to next?" Ban asked as he swung his arm around Meliodas' shoulder.

Meliodas rubbed his chin and stared deeply towards the ground to organize the possible locations brewing in his mind.

"No idea!"

Everyone sighed at his disappointing response. Even Hawk's mom snorted as she waddled away from Cain Town with no clear command on where to go.

You couldn't help but feel lost. All the information you were given and knowledge you were expected to gather was overwhelming. Narrowing the sequence of events was troubling, but you knew you had to continue and fulfill your promise to your mother.

"How abo-"

"I'm sensing abnormal levels of power coming from the North-east direction," Merlin interrupted. You bit your lip and looked at her as she avoided eye contact. You noticed the dominant expression plastered onto her face.

"I'm sensing it too," Diane agreed.

You sighed and watched the other sins nod their heads in agreement. You couldn't feel anything. Or at least, you think you couldn't feel anything.

King hovered over you and placed a hand on your shoulder. "Anything wrong (Y/N)?"

You averted your attention to him and met his warm smile. He seemed concerned yet offered a visage of support.

"I just, I don't understand how all of you can detect that energy so easily. I'm aware of my powers, I've used them.. am I just being stupid?" you ranted.

He buried half his face into his pillow. "You're not being stupid. It's easy honestly, you can't overthink about it. The more you stress about it, the less your abilities can reach their potential."

"I see.." you mumbled.

"Breath in and out. It's like what you've been taught. Close your eyes and isolate insignificant things. Ignite that flame that's inside you, then pretend its warmth is touching everything else around you."

You frowned. King made it sound like a simple process. Despite your doubts, you followed his directions and relaxed your body. You used the voice in your head to call out to your "flame."

Oh come on.. help me accomplish this easy thing..

You could distinguish the familiar shock that constantly ran through your veins.

Okay, there it is. Now focus it in ball and stretch it throughout the entire area..

"Relax more," you heard King's distinct advice echo in your head.

You did just that, and suddenly another unknown aura connected with yours. It felt so negative, and almost overpowered yours. You could feel your own energy battling with the source in the direction Merlin announced.

"You did it," King said.

You opened your eyes and saw the sins sharing a proud smile amongst each other. Merlin nodded her head in approval.

"Soon you'll be able to do it without even realizing it," Diane said. You smiled at the thought of it.

As Hawk's mom directed herself towards the North-east direction, you couldn't help but continue to detect that force. The minute you reached out to it, it seemed like it was drawing you in.

I don't understand why it's so alluring, it really could just be me overreacting.

You ignored the attracting energy and began to imagine the future situation that lies ahead at the next destination. You hoped you could provide more assistance rather than being another nuisance that the sins have to deal with.

"Stop moving!" Meliodas commanded suddenly with a strict tone.

Hawk's mom came to a abrupt halt. You stumbled a bit in place yet quickly examined everyone's expressions for an explanation to Meliodas' command.

The care free countenances that were worn on every individual was now replaced with extreme grim and determination.

Merlin began to slowly float upwards.

"Stand ground."

She turned her head so her sharp violet eyes made contact with yours. They were fierce with focus. Her brows furrowed.

"Get your shit together. Because we're going to need you now."

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