Chapter 13

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A/N: sorry for late update! but THANK YOU SO MUCH for 3k views and 203 votes! I love you guys! Now on with the story! This might be a boring chapter and I'm sorry :(


You stiffened at the sudden reply and gripped the edge of your short skirt. You looked at Meliodas who wore a happy expression. His eyes gleamed with excitement and determination.

"Diane! Guys!" he called again.

The rocky ground started to shake as you heard the frightened caws of crows fly out of the thick fog. You tightened your legs to prevent yourself from stumbling over and tried to gain balance.

A large shadow loomed overhead, making it hard to see. You gulped as you slowly craned your head upward. There, you saw the tallest human being you've ever seen in your young life. A female giant.

"A-a giant!!??" you yelped, staring with wide (E/C) eyes. She had brown hair that was styled into cute pigtails. She wore an adorable orange jumpsuit and blue fat casts covered both of her wrists.

"Captain! Where were you? Ban and King kept fighting and it was starting to get on my nerves!!" the giant, referred to as Diane, complained with a pouty face. You heard Meliodas laugh as he waved at her.

"How have you guys been? Sorry I couldn't come sooner. Just got a little help here after Lil Gil and all," Meliodas replied, pointing his thumb at you.

You jumped as the giant brought her face closer and examined you with curious purple eyes. You followed her eyes as they stared at your chest, making you blush with embarrassment and covering them with your hands.

Diane squinted her eyes and blushed. Her face suddenly turned dark red.


Unexpectedly, Diane grabbed Meliodas with her huge hand and threw him hard against the ground, making a large hole in where his body was. Your jaw gaped open from the aggressive scene in front of you.

"Meliodas!" you exclaimed. You watched in horror as the angry giant continued to abuse Meliodas, throwing him against the earth floor and punching him constantly. She cried out names like "Jerk" and "Pervert" in such a loud voice that holy knights were surely to find them.

"Diane! Please stop! You'll hurt him!" a light, gentle voice called. You turned around and saw a girl with mint-colored hair, wearing the same outfit as you, though the colors were different. Right behind her came three more boys and a girl that only had a purple coat and shorts for clothing.

Hawk snorted and walked up to the girl with mint hair. "Elizabeth! I'm glad you guys are okay!" he greeted. The sounds of destruction were still going on.

"And I'm glad to see you again!" she replied with a beautiful smile.

She's so pretty...

"Oi! Diane! That's enough!" the girl with barely any clothes on demanded. Diane scowled at her and took one last, hard punch to Meliodas's face. She crossed her arms like a little child who didn't get chocolate after begging multiple times.

You ran to him and checked on his injuries. "Meliodas, are you okay? Why didn't you stop her?" you asked worryingly. He stood up and brushed himself off, then simply smiled.

"I'm alright. No need to worry about me."

You smiled back. "You sure are tough," you sighed.

He patted your head then looked at the sins in front of him. "Wow, everyone's here," he said happily.

You fake-coughed then elbowed Meliodas's side despite the condition he was in. You give him an introduce-me-look and he nodded.

"Everyone, this is (Y/N). She helped me regain health after my fight with Lil Gil and Howzer back in Cain Town."

They all greeted you with "Hi"s except for a boy with pink hair. He simply pushed back his glasses.

Huh...the quiet type...

The sins started introducing themselves.

"Yo, I'm Ban," a guy with white hair uttered,"And this floating dork is King." Ban pointed to a person wearing a rain coat and floating on a green leopard-printed pillow.

"H-Hi..." he whispered shyly.

"I'm Merlin," the skin-showing girl said.

"As you already know, I'm Diane!" the giant proudly stated.

"Gowther.." the quiet type muttered.

"And I'm Princess Elizabeth! But please call me Elizabeth!" the princess introduced joyfully.

"P-Princess?" you stuttered. "As in the third princess of Liones?"

"W-Well yes...but please call me Elizabeth!" she insisted.

"I'm so sorry for not introducing myself in the right way your highness!" you apologized, bowing and completely ignoring her. Your face was red of guilt.

You felt a hand lightly touch your shoulder. You straightened up and stared into Elizabeth's shiny oceanic eyes.

"Everyone here is equal. So please, treat me as if I was your normal everyday friend!" she kindly explained.

You hesitated but soon smiled to her statement. "Y-yes your high-Elizabeth!"


You jumped when you felt a hand grope your bottom. You noticed that Elizabeth was feeling uncomfortable too. You looked behind and saw Meliodas squeezing your cheeks and examining your underwear. You blushed fifty shades of red and was about to kick him when...

"MELIODAS!!!" Diane yelled, throwing him out of The Forest of White Dreams.

"I owe you," you giggled.


(*EDITED!* This chapter was edited quite a lot from its original script to improve any errors. Apologies for the inconvenience.)

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