Chapter 1

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Hey you guys! This is the first story im starting to write and this is all new to me so the grammar and spelling is probably not all that good but i tried haha I know the title doesn't fit in just right now but it makes sense later on anyways hope you guys like it! More to come later.

xoxo - Stina

From the day that I was born, I was destined to become future queen of the Night Hawks and someday rule the planet of Lamodia. I was an only child since my two older brothers had shortly died after being born and...JUST KIDDING! haha now let me get to the real story, my name is Gabrielle Evans. Im a senior at Green Caverns High in northern Louisiana, I have lived here for about two and a half years since the move from Texas because of my dad's job.

I'm just about your normal teenage girl. Im 5'5 with long dark brown hair that looks almost black but yes, im sure that my hair is dark brown. I have chocolate brown eyes and I am on the slim athletic side. I had lived in Texas all my life and grew up with some pretty amazing friends and family, well all amazing except for Chris who I have known since we were in diapers.

You see, my parents and Chris's parents have known each other for a while too. They had all met in college and both of our dads work at the same place and had been good friends. Chris was born a couple of months before me and when I was born, our parents thought Chris and I would be best friends too. Turns out they were extremely wrong!

When Chris and I started first grade together he would throw building blocks and crayons at me when the teacher wasn't looking so whenever I would yell at him to stop throwing stuff at me the teacher would get mad at me instead for yelling in the classroom! Can you believe that? I get in trouble for yelling at Chris when the boy should get in trouble for constantly throwing items at me! I would always get in trouble and he would just sit his nerdy self down with all his friends and laugh at me.

We would fight and argue over anything and everything over the next couple of years.

In third grade on the way to lunch he would spot me with my group of friends and just trip me for no reason I would get back at him by wearing a ponytail everyday and whacking him in the face with it when I would turn my head in music class.

In fith grade things had changed, Chris had gotten braces but still had his black hair messy like usual. He also always wore clothes that were two sizes too big for him and wore huge watches that would constantly beep during class.

I on the other hand was not a very pretty sight either. I had pale skin, outdated oval glasses and my hair was cut short to where I looked like a pale Dora The Explorer. Needless to say that was not a very pretty year for Chris and I. But pretty soon that all changed..

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