We fought a fox

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Mark's pov

I gotta say,that was the nicest sleep ever,even though Jack was moving and talking in his sleep.I mean,what's gotten into him?Like he had a bad mood,as if he was thinking something deep.Has he been to StarClan lately?I mean,Jack doesn't act like this,does he?

Bramblestar called us for our tests.We're going out hunting first.I'm going with Cloudtail,a white cat with blue eyes.I can't help but look over at Jack who's talking to a golden cat with amber eyes.Like when are we going to start,like now?

After a few minutes,the six of us went through the thorny exit outside.It feels weird that you're getting used to the outside for the first time.Cloudtail,Lionblaze,and Thornclaw sniffed the air for any sources of prey.

"Ok,hunting is one of the warrior's skill to learn how to survive.This is what makes up a true warrior.But remember,the kits,queens,and elders are the first to be fed than warriors and apprentices."Cloudtail said.I'm kinda surprised how are organized they are.Even at feeding times,they prioritize who gets to eat.We decided to split up,I'm going with Cloudtail.

We're not that far from camp,so I guess no cat from another Clan could see us and accuse us of trespassing.I heard a twig snap.I looked down at my paw to see if I snapped it or someone else.Nope,I didn't do that.The sound was coming from a bush from my left.

"You can't be sure if that's a prey or an attacker."Cloudtail said."You must learn to use your nose as well."I followed his advice.I quickly smelled my surroundings to find out if there's prey around here.The smell was coming from the same bush.I crouched down to see where it was coming from.

A squirrel eating an acorn was nearby.That little guy was just eating on his last meal when he'll be the meal himself.I unsheathed my claws and sprang at the squirrel,sinking my claws in it."Well done,Mark!"Cloudtail remarked.

"Well,you would do anything to get food,right?"Cloudtail just nodded.I carried the squirrel in my jaws.I found Felix and Thornclaw waiting for us."You took your time."Thornclaw said in his annoyed voice.He and Felix caught two voles and one mouse.

"Where's Jack?"I asked."He'll come over soon."Felix replied.I spoke too soon.Jack came back,with no food to find."Come on,Jack!!"I yelled.Lionblaze came afterwards and he was full of wounds.Now what do we do and what just happened?

"Fox on our territory!"he gasped."That's what I was gonna say!"Jack added.Instead of running away,the others put on their fighting stance.They won't give up without a fight.Which was I expected."I should've killed that dude when I had the chance."Jack said."But you can't kill a fox alone.Well,unless you're as good as Lionblaze."Thornclaw reminded him.

We had no chance to run.The fox pounced on Felix and pinned him down."Guys,don't just stand there!Help me out!"he struggled to get out of the fox's grasp.Lionblaze was the first one to spring into action.Biting the fox's back,it let out a yelp of pain.Jack bit the legs to give Felix some room to escape.

He shook off his rumpled fur and charged at the fox's muzzle."Thornclaw!Its back!"Lionblaze yelled.The fox was full of scars all over its body.Thanks to us,no less!Cloudtail lept at the fox one last time.And killed it with a single blow.I guess this is how they survive in the wild.Hunt food,protect their Clan,fight off enemies if they have to,and they do it every single day.

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