Welp,here you go.You just died twice

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Blizzardpaw's pov

I didn't expect this.I know,I'm a badass,I'm a boss,but fighting this dude over here is so damn hard!The tom lunged at me,teeth bared,but I moved out of the way and fast.To make matters even worse,Blackpaw and Wolfpaw were just standing there.Hawkfrost just won't allow them to help.

I can see anger in the tom's green eyes.I backed a little bit for like a few centimeters."You're gonna regret having this dream."he snarled.Are you even kidding me?I have a truck load of regret right now!Come on,Hawkfrost,why can't you fight this dude yourself!But scratch that,this is a part of my job as a spy.Pretty sure Ivypool went through a lot to prove that she's one cool spy.But I snapped back to the fight,when the tom pinned me down.His green eyes just became the only light source in the area.

"You'll never save the Clans.."he whispered.That gives me an idea.I stopped struggling and went limp.In other words,I played dead.So I closed my eyes,acted like a dead cat,and hoping that he would fall for it."Weakling.See,Hawkfrost?You make the worst decisions.EVER.Is this the best and strongest apprentice you got?!He couldn't match to your sons' level!"

"You're right,Redwillow."Hawkfrost agreed.Not on my watch!

"GETTTTTTT DUNKED ON!"I yowled.I then bit his leg causing it to bleed heavily.He then threw me across the hollow.I got back up,shook my rumpled fur,and attacked him.

I landed on his back,with my claws digging through his fur."Get off me!"Like,no way!I can totally imagine the way he shakes his body to get me off him felt like he was twerking!Haha!

Finally,I let go.His back was severely bleeding.And what him even weird is he was about to fade.I mean,yeah,he's dead.But do the cats here die twice?Cause if they do,I'm ready to give this furball a death blow.I only had a split-second to think because right now Redwillow is super mad.I unsheathed my claws once more and charged at him.The Dark Forest pounced at me.I found his weak spot in his underbelly and sliced him right there!Oooh,blood splattered all over my white fur.Redwillow collapsed on the ground,trying to grab a few last breaths.

"How...how...dare you...?"he asked.I should be happy right now because I proved to Hawkfrost that I can be a worthy warrior,but I just stood right there,gasping in horror,knowing that I just KILLED SOMEONE WHO IS ALREADY DEAD!HOW MESSED UP WAS THAT?!

After a few seconds,he just faded away.I looked down at my paws."You shouldn't be ashamed.When you're a real warrior,you shouldn't be afraid to get blood on your paws.Or you'll prove yourself to be a coward."

"I'm not a coward.I was just surprised that killed someone."I replied."In battles,sometimes you have to kill in order to win.When you're a warrior in the midst of a battle,it's kill or be killed."Hawkfrost mewed,lashing his tail.Blackpaw gave his pelt a quick grooming,like he didn't even care."Look,I don't know how you made my father proud,but you should've done better."he just said it with a hint of sarcasm.Wolfpaw came up to me."I think you did great."he purred.I'm starting make a new friend here.

"Enough.I'll remind you that you are not here for receive praises or appreciation.You're here to learn how to achieve ambition.Then the appreciation will follow."Hawkfrost let out a small growl.Yeah right,I shouldn't gloat over my victory."This gives me an idea.Wolfpaw,would you like stay in ThunderClan?"Wolfpaw's tail stood up straight when he heard his father's words."Sure,father!I'd love to!"he mewed in excitement."Good.You will be moving in to ThunderClan soon."Sweetness.Once Wolfpaw's at ThunderClan,I'll let him spill the juice.And the info goes to StarClan.

"My new plan is once Wolfpaw is there,he will be able to influence both ThunderClan and WindClan.Those weak warriors,even Onestar himself,always depends on them.And when there's the changing of leaders,they won't see any differences."Hawkfrost informed."So I'm guessing they're allies,right?"I asked,even though it's really obvious."Do you really have to ask?"he just snarled at me right there.Blackpaw was snickering quietly at the corner.It's totally clear that he's going to be a pain in my neck in the future.Or maybe I was wrong.I hope I was wrong.

"Same thing for both ShadowClan and RiverClan.Which brings me to my plan.(lol,that rhymed.)While you're in ThunderClan,try to make some influence.Do your training well,and make some friends."Hawkfrost told him."As for WindClan,try to get to know them better.When you're leader,you can pick some of the strongest warriors to serve you.And with Blizzardpaw's help,you can gain more advantage when you're working together."I grinned.Working together,eh?How about the opposite?

"Make me your deputy."I whispered.Wolfpaw just nodded."As for you,Blackpaw.Stay where you are.ShadowClan will need you more."Annoyed,he just replied,"As you wish,father."

*time skip*

After training,which is very tiring,I ended up getting battle scars all over my pelt.Screw this,I thought."Nice moves."a voice mewed.It was Wolfpaw.His blue eyes were filled with excitement despite his fur filled with battle scars.There was one near his leg,but he's not limping.Blackpaw,who was way ahead of me,yowled."Can you move faster?I don't want to sleep all day."When will he ever shut up.

As I was walking,I saw a flash of brown running by.I have really excellent eyesight so I caught sight of him.It's a tom with brown fur and brown eyes and a short tail.I tried to catch up but he was so fast.He also smelled of....poppy seed?Is he a medicine cat when he was alive?

poppy seed?Is he a medicine cat when he was alive?

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He stopped for a moment to look a me."You made the right decision,Jack.Now it's time to help a warrior torn  between two ways because who he is.Choices are hard nowadays,now that the darkness will rise again."

Decisions,do they always matter to me?Or to the entire Clan?Maybe they do.I made the right choice in spying on the Dark Forest.

A final word is critical in these situations.And loyalty is a life or death choice.

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