What's into Breezepelt?

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Blizzardpaw's pov

"Mark!Jack!Where have you guys been?"Felix asked.It's been so long since we were called by our real names.Right now,we're Lightningpaw,Blizzardpaw,and Blazingpaw.

"You know,border check.And Breezepelt decided to be a jerk!"I yelled."You mean,that WindClan warrior?"he asked,while giving his ginger fur a couple of licks."Like yeah!Is there another Breezepelt in the forest?"I asked angrily.Okay,this is probably how I rage over video games."Guys!Stop arguing!We're all in this together,remember?"Mark broke up the fight.

Right,there's only the three of us;there's no use in fighting."Anyways,how did you find me?"I turned to Mark."Well,let's just say I can sense whether one of us is in danger."He mewed."So that's how you found Jack!I knew it,Septiplier-"I covered his mouth before he said away."Dude,you should go Jayfeather.You need a break."Felix told me.

"Blizzardpaw!"Lionblaze called me."I'm here to take you to my brother's den.Then you and friends are going to have a talk."What?!"I haven't done anything wrong!"I complained."I know.But you'll know the reason why after Jayfeather heals you."

*in the medicine cat den*

"Reckless,as always."Jayfeather commented."Hey,I'm not that reckless!"I hissed.Lionblaze let out a small chuckle."Ah,the good old days."he muttered.

*time skip*

"I'll just call my friends."I told my mentor.In the apprentices den,Felix was busy talking with Waterpaw,and Mark just ate a vole."Uh,guys.Lionblaze is calling us."Mark perked his ears up.We went outside the territory where Lionblaze,Jayfeather,Dovewing and Ivypool are waiting for us.

"So,uh.What's the rush?"Mark asked."Perhaps you know about the prophecy regarding the three of you."Jayfeather said.Wait,he knew?Did he know that we're actually humans?The creatures they feared?

"Don't worry,Jack.We won't tell a thing.At first thought,I was surprised since Twolegs are included in a StarClan prophecy.We're afraid that you won't blend in with the ways of the Clans.But here you are,a few moons left,and you're ready to become warriors."Dovewing mewed.That made me blush.

"We're just here to tell you that you should keep your roles and powers a secret.We used to have the powers you used right now,and it's kinda hard to live a life of secrecy.But it's for the best."Lionblaze mewed."Ivypool may not be a part of the Three,but she risked her life being a spy for Dark Forest."One of the reasons why I admire Ivypool than her sister.

"So how's the Dark Forest?"Dovewing asked."Well,dark as always.Hawkfrost decided to use his sons,Blackpaw and Wolfpaw for his plans.I bet Wolfpaw can be our best bet.He doesn't seem to be interested in his father's plans,but he's afraid to say no."I explained.

I also noticed that Felix was looking out into WindClan territory all along."Uh,Felix?You there?"Jayfeather asked,he waved a paw in Felix's face,but he's not distracted."He's using his powers,Jayfeather.He's zooming in on WindClan."Ivypool mewed,her voice getting a little annoyed."I bet that has something to do with Breezepelt."I whispered to Mark.


Got it.I can hear Breezepelt from here.I can go stalker mode and I don't have to go to WindClan myself!

Breezepelt just returned home empty-handed.His mother was busy talking."Oh,Breezepelt.Let me guess,got into trouble with ThunderClan again?"she asked.Breezepelt didn't reply.He just went into the warriors den just to think.

"Lionblaze,Jayfeather,Hollyleaf,....why?"Breezepelt snarled."They shouldn't be born.If it wasn't for Leafpool..."he cut off.Wait,am I missing something here?

"Who's Crowfeather?"I asked."He's our father.In other words,Breezepelt's our half-brother."Now this is complicated.I know that Leafpool broke the rules by falling in love with him,and they ended with Jayfeather and his siblings.But I didn't know he fell in love with another she-cat.

Mark was the one who wasn't surprised."That's no surprise there.Sometimes half-siblings can be a little jealous of the legitimate children."he shrugged.

"Listen,I'll find out more tonight.I bet Wolfpaw should be here with us tomorrow."I announced."See you in the Dark Forest,I guess."Ivypool mewed.

Again,sorry for the short chapter.

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