Breezepelt has anger issues

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Blizzardpaw's pov

It's been a while since I found Hawkfrost's sons.Blackpaw looks like he's in on his father's plans in taking over the Clans,but you can't judge a book by its cover.Or so I thought.Wolfpaw could be very useful.Using his relationship with his father,he could spill more secrets about his plans.All I need is to convince him to join our side with no more doubts.

"Hey,wake up!"Sparkpaw shook me."It's sunrise already.You want to be a warrior or a dormouse?"she asked.Jeez,she's just like her mother."Ok,I'm getting up."I said,getting up."I asked Lionblaze and my mentor for us to train together."I'd rather train with my friends than her.Oh well,no choice.I even saw her brother,Alderpaw,carrying herbs.He's a medicine cat apprentice,why not?"Good luck with her."he mewed.I definitely need it.

Lionblaze and Sparkpaw's mentor,Cherryfall,were waiting for us at the exit."What took you so long?"he asked;his voice was a little strict and kind."I just overslept."I replied."We're going out hunting.Birchfall's organizing the patrol."Cherryfall told us.

*time skip*

"Ok,Sparkpaw,what can you smell from here?"We're not dogs,Cherryfall."Um,a rabbit,two voles,and..CATMINT!!"she yowled."Keep it down,Sparkpaw.We could get heard from here!"I told her."Keep your fur on,it's not like WindClan is going to hear us."Lionblaze told me.I repeat,I am not a kit anymore!

"Now what can you smell from here?"My mentor asked me."Well,I smell a blackbird nearby,a huge amount of poppy seed plants,and,I was right,WindClan!Their scent is getting stronger!"I yowled."Ha!See Lionblaze,you're not always right!"Cherryfall smirked.

"We're gonna have to fight them,are we?"I asked.My claws are unsheathed at that time."If they decide to go the hard way on staying away from our territory,then yes."Lionblaze let out a soft growl.All of a sudden,the scent is getting stronger but I don't see any WindClan warriors."Hey guys,follow me."I beckoned them with my tail.We hid behind some bushes and there we have it.

A brown and white tom was supervising the patrol.Along with him is a gray tom with dark paws,a black tom with amber eyes,a pale tabby she-cat,and a gray tabby she-cat.They smell strongly of WindClan.Just what they are doing here?

"Who are they?"I asked."That brown and white tom is WindClan deputy,Harespring.That's Emberfoot,Breezepelt,Larkwing,and Featherpelt."Cherryfall mewed."Looks like they're setting new scent markers."Sparkpaw mewed."What the heck?They're gaining more space!We'll starve without our hunting grounds!"I spoke up.WindClan.Just a bunch of idiots."

"Just what do you think you're doing?"I asked."ThunderClan!Interfering,as usual."Harespring mewed."This is our business,so why don't just move along."Breezepelt said with a sour accent.Somebody's got to teach them some manners."Oh yes it is,it's our territory you're in.Don't think my mentor didn't teach me the warrior code."I smirked."You're an apprentice,right?Wanna battle with me?"Emberfoot jumped in.

"Just say the word.Blizzardpaw here could rip your fur off."Lionblaze mewed.I unsheathed my claws."We'll see about that.WINDCLAN-"Before Breezepelt could say the word attack,a voice whispered in my ear.

WINDCLAN-"Before Breezepelt could say the word attack,a voice whispered in my ear

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"You don't have to fight every battle.Sometimes your words are powerful enough."a starry warrior with a brown pelt and amber eyes looked at me."You have a loud mouth right?Then let your words be your weapons."he said,before he vanished.One word can change everything,I suppose."You know what,Breezepelt.Let's just quit it.I don't want every single one of us get a single scar on our pelts because somebody decided to do a little trespassing."I said."Let's just say you're afraid to fight.You're a warrior apprentice,aren't you?"Larkwing sneered.These guys are thinning my patience here.

"Who cares?WindClan,attack!"Harespring yowled.Well,no choice.I lunged forward,tackling down the WindClan deputy.But Harespring just launched me backwards using his hind legs.He sped his way towards me but I moved out of the way,and went for his back.I slashed his back with my forepaw,but he decided to fight back.He then clawed my torn ear.Now Lightningpaw and Blazingpaw are gonna wonder if I lost my left ear or not.

"Not bad for an apprentice."Harespring hissed."But you have so much more to learn."He reached for my scruff,but my mentor jumped in and tackled Harespring to the ground."Lionblaze!Thank goodness!"I said."Hurry,go tell Bramblestar what happened."I nodded and ran.Until..

"Just where do you think you're going?"a new voice asked.Crap,a black tom just tackled me to the ground.Ugh,I swear,Breezepelt is so gonna pay."You're not gonna tell that leader what we did."he snarled."Try me.You're not gonna get away with this!"I yowled.I went for his paw and you can guess what happened.

"Oh,you're gonna pay for that!"Breezepelt yowled.All of a sudden,a flash of black came from behind."Back off,Breezepelt.Or we have to do this the hard way."Lightningpaw!How did he get in here?Turned out he brought some back-up.There's Squirrelflight,Molewhisker,his dad Berrynose,Ivypool,Stormcloud,and of course,Bramblestar.

"This isn't over,ThunderClan!"he yowled.He raised his tail in order to stop the fight."Go back to your own territory.You know very well that crossing another Clan's territory was against the warrior code."Bramblestar spoke in a soft but stern voice."You're weak,Bramblestar.Come to think if it wasn't for Lionblaze's apprentice here-"Breezepelt snarled,but Featherpelt held him to it."Let's see what Onestar has to say about this in the next Gathering."she mewed.The black warrior had no choice but to listen.He then left without saying another word.

"How did you find me?"I asked Mark."I'll explain.Also thanks for calling me by my real name."he replied."We're friends,right?"I shoot back.

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