Ashfur's trying to feed me a poisoned raven

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Lightningpaw's pov

I gotta say,the apprentice's den was bit larger.Just because there are many of us sleeping under one roof,I need all the sleep I could get.Tomorrow's training,you know.

Jack,or should I say,Blizzardpaw,is really excited.And was sleeping soundly.I closed my eyes and dozed off to sleep.

When I woke up,I was chasing a squirrel.I couldn't let this little guy escape!I thought.Man,that squirrel was so fast,but that doesn't let me down,because I'm the KING of the squirrels!

Just as when I was about to pounce,it got away.I followed it into an open field,and the squirrel was out of sight.I looked up and saw that the night sky contained a small star.It's so beautiful,admiring the view.Just then,a voice whispered along with the wind.

"You'll get to know me later..."

Get to know who?I guess I'll find out.

I woke up to find out that Blizzardpaw is gone.He must've gone into training.The rest of the apprentices are still asleep.So I decided to go out of the den.

"Oh,Lightningpaw!You're finally up."My mentor,Bumblestripe,said."Morning,Bumblestripe.When can we start training?"I asked."Right now.Follow me."he beckoned me with his tail.

We went to a hollow of a huge tree.The place itself looks like a perfect place to train.I saw Snowpaw trying to pounce on a pinecone."Oh hey,Lightningpaw.Looks like training today,huh?"Snowpaw asked.I nodded.

"Today I'm gonna teach you about the hunter's crouch.This is the most essential tool in hunting in ThunderClan and also adaptable,since our territory's located in the undergrowth of the forest.In doing this,you must take advantage of the bushes and ferns around you.That would make you less visible."Bumblestripe mewed.I just winked in response.

Ivypool,Snowpaw's mentor, looked over to her apprentice."Why won't you show Lightningpaw a demonstration?"Snowpaw dropped down in ground,with his amber gaze focused on the pinecone.

He jumped up from his hind legs and during the few seconds in the air,he landed on the pinecone perfectly."Nice one,Snowpaw."she mewed affectionally."Of course,you're the best mentor I could ever have!"Snowpaw replied.I smiled.These apprentices respect their mentors a lot.

Until a gray figure started to scout all over the place.I mean,that's weird because the only gray cat here is Bumblestripe.Nothing else.After a few seconds,the figure just vanished into thin air.Am I just seeing things?Or is it just my powers?Firestar told me I have the power to see spirits of dead cats,maybe this is just the start of using them.

But should I tell them about it?Maybe I'll keep it a secret.Warriors are trained to be suspicious of their surroundings.Maybe they'll just freak out if I said I have powers."Uh,Bumblestripe,I need to go outside for a bit."I asked.My mentor just nodded.

I got a full view of that mysterious cat.I was right.That cat was from StarClan,after all.It was a gray tom with ice-blue eyes and darker spots on its fur.He gave me a serious expression before turning his head around to look at a blackbird flying at camp.And everyone doesn't even notice it!

"Catch that blackbird before it gets away."he said without even looking at me.I nodded,and dropped down into the hunting crouch.

I sprung up from my hind legs and tried to jump on the bird,but it got away.It flew over to the nursery and tried to snatch away one of the kits."My kit!"One of the queens,Daisy,shrieked.I pounced on it when it flew away to the fresh-kill pile.With one swipe of my paw,I caught it straight."Well done on your first catch,Lightningpaw."Ivypool mewed with amusement.I was about to eat it when..

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