Battle training?!MY JAM!

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"You're late.Bramblestar just called a Clan meeting."Jayfeather said to Leafpool who just returned with a bundle of juniper."Sorry about that.But what's the meeting all about?"she asked."You'll see."was Jayfeather's only reply.More cats are gathered underneath the Highledge,so Jayfeather slowly made his place towards his brother,Lionblaze.

"Cats of ThunderClan,we all have heard about Leafpool's prophecy from StarClan."Bramblestar began.Murmurs of agreement came from the other cats.While his deputy,Squirrelflight,didn't avert her eyes on Mark.He was staring at his lightning bolt on his pelt,thinking that even he was a Twoleg,StarClan still gave him something special that made him stand out.

"Well,the three arrived here just now,and in order for them to get used to Clan life,what I would like them to do is to go through tests to see if they can still be trained as apprentices or not."Bramblestar mewed.

"That's ok.Firestar said that we need to be apprenticed,even though we may have a little experience."Mark said shyly."That's not our point.We just need to see what you can do best and which of these abilities do we need to work on."Graystripe explained."But still,you have to apprenticed."he added.Jack let out a huge yawn.Mark quickly gave him a small shove."We're in front of uh..guys that we don't even know and you just yawned in front of them?"he snapped.

"Sorry,just wanted a quick nap."he replied."So I guess they want to become apprentices first.The tests will be all about hunting and fighting."When Bramblestar said the word fighting,Jack perked up his ears.This is my jam!he thought."The hunting test will start at the next sunrise."he mewed before dismissing the meeting.Bramblestar assigned the three to sleep in the nursery since it has the smooth-smelling scent that could make them comfortable in their sleep.

"At least,we have a place to sleep.Besides,who doesn't love little kits?"Felix asked.Jack let out a purr of amusement.But Mark stopped to look at a weird stick propped near the Highledge.He made a weird face and thought Why would they keep an old stick with claw marks in the camp?It's not like this is Prop Hunt or something.He went out to touch it when he was stopped by Leafpool.

"I wouldn't touch that if I were you."Leafpool said."Whoa,Leafpool.I was just looking at this weird ass stick here."he replied."That's not just any stick.It's called the Stick of the Fallen."she replied,looking at the old memorial."What's that?"

"The Stick of the Fallen is a stick found by Jayfeather a few moons ago before the Great Battle.On it were the claw marks of the cats who were killed on that battle.Not all of them,but the bravest like my father,Firestar.Tradition says that every apprentice must list out the names of the six cats who died on that battle as a part of their assessment."Leafpool paused for a thought."I should tell Bramblestar."she ran off to Bramblestar with a grin on her face.

"But-"Mark had no time to stop Leafpool.Great,Mark thought,I have to memorize some dead cats.I only know Firestar,who are the other five?

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