Welcome to the Dark side

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Darkness was not the appropriate word to describe this place.But for Jack,who is trapped in this place in his dreams,he had no other words.The forest trees are taller than the ones he saw in StarClan,and there was no moon that shone over the misty forest.And the only light source was the sickly glow of fungus underneath his paws.An attacker could easily spot him because of his white pelt.

Until a small snapping of a twig caused him to bolt for safety to a darker area.He had nowhere else to go,he just wanted to escape from the attacker.He ran as fast as he could,as if his speed was key to his survival.But when he thought he ran the distance of a marathon,he tripped upon a tree root and fell face first."Ugh,why now?"he grunted.Trying to stand up,he also noticed that he also twisted his right forepaw.

Another snap of a twig.Jack's heart was beating so loud he could hear it in his ears.He shook with fear,even though he wasn't supposed to be afraid.Trembling with fear,he tried to sprint but he was stopped by a chilling deep voice."Hello there,Jack."

Jack froze.He felt like he was a cat made out of ice.He didn't even dare to look back to where the voice came from."Who are you?"he asked."A friend.I'm always here to help."But Jack still has his doubts."If you're a friend,why can't you show yourself?"he asked while standing up with his twisted paw."Well,if you turn your head around."the voice replied.It sounded close,indicating that the cat might be nearby.Jack turned his head and somebody did came out.

It was dark brown tom with brown stripes like a tiger's.He has a white underbelly and his pelt was ragged.The only similarity he has with Jack is his ice-blue eyes.Except that they were filled with power.The face he put on was that of somebody with an evil purpose.Jack took a step back."Who are you?"he asked once more.

"I'm Hawkfrost."the tom smiled,showing off his sharp teeth.

"Hawkfrost?"Jack asked."That's right.Doesn't sound familiar?Well,let me tell you something."He drew closer to the white tom."This place,is where you deserve."Me?With him?In this spooky forest?Hell no!Jack thought."What do you want with me?"he asked with confidence."Let me take you back to the beginning.My mother was a rogue,but my father was Clanborn.Of  course,my father was the one whom I looked up to.He taught me a lot of cool stuff.He told me that power only comes to those who want it most."

Then Jack understood.Hawkfrost only wanted the worst.Getting power was what he wanted the most throughout his life.But he can't show that he hates the former warrior;Jack tried to divert his attention to other things."Are you from ThunderClan?"he asked innocently."No,I'm from RiverClan along with my sister,Mothwing.I have half-siblings too.Tawnypelt from ShadowClan and finally,Bramblestar from ThunderClan."Jack jumped up.Bramblestar's his half-brother?!

"Surprised?"Hawkfrost turned his head to Jack,his eyes filled with a smirk."I knew you would say that."He added."What do you want with me?What is this place?"Jack asked."This is the Dark Forest.StarClan don't walk here,but who needs those cowards?They thought they can forget about us,they're wrong.They don't know what power really is."Hawkfrost's words were laced with venom.And Jack knew that the brown Dark Forest warrior was bad influence.His blue eyes,that had the same shade as Hawkfrost's,had steely  determination in them.

"But you do."Hawkfrost whispered in a sinister voice that sent shivers on Jack's fur."You have power far greater than any cat.You can have anything you want.But only if you know how to use it.Join us and I will show you what true power is.Or join StarClan and you'll end up weak.It's your choice.It's all in your paws now."Hawkfrost grinned.Jack's blue eyes gave Hawkfrost a sight that he can't turn away.

"What's in it for me?"Jack asked."You can rule the forest.You can act like a boss to them.Make them do whatever you want."Hawkfrost lashed his tail.He's tired of Jack's questions and was waiting for an answer."As for your friends,I have no interest in them.They're nothing but pieces of fresh-kill brought along with you.You are power in one cat.In one Twoleg."

Jack stood up."I'm not weak.I'm not even afraid of anything.Sorry,Hawkfrost.But I think I'll pass."Hawkfrost let out a soft snarl."We are your true friends and family.Those fools you call friends are worthless."

"They're.Not.Worthless."Jack snarled."Suit yourself.I'm a understandable cat.If you wanted to change your mind,I'm here."And with that,Hawkfrost ran off into the darkness.

"Wake up you sleepyhead!It's time for our test!"Felix said.Oh,right.Jack's sleep has been an uneasy one.Meeting with Hawkfrost was the worst decision.I swear I'm not gonna go back to that place.Ever.Hawkfrost was bad influence,and he'll only lead Jack to betray his friends.

"What's up,Jackaboy?"Mark asked with a concerned face.He can't know that Hawkfrost is the one hunting them down with no reason at all.But why did he leave them alone?

"Hurry up,you three.The test is about to begin."Dovewing mewed.The three went out of the den with Felix still licking his fur.But Jack still has his worries.What surprises could Hawkfrost be preparing for them?

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