The award for worst dad ever goes to...HAWKFROST!

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Blizzardpaw's pov

Well,hello,Dark Forest!Long time no see!

The trees lurking above me,no moon that lit up the sky,perfect scenery for an afterlife for villains.What was I doing here again?Oh right,smuggling some information about the Dark Forest's next plans.But should I do it in secret or openly?

If I do it in secret,then Hawkfrost is gonna find out who's spying easily.Much better if I could spy openly,which means I have to blend in,act like a bad guy,train like a bad guy,then the info goes to the clans.Simple as that.I've played Hitman games before,so this should be easy.

I saw a clump of ferns and decided to hide there.There were cats everywhere,but they were fewer than StarClan.Some are talking,some are practicing some advanced battle moves.This is great,because not I'll get information,I'll learn some awesome battle moves!

I saw Hawkfrost as well.Talking to two apprentices.One was a black tom with a brown forepaws and amber eyes.The other looked like a copy of Hawkfrost.But he wasn't interested in what their mentor was saying.

"Blackpaw,you know I have faith in you.What happened earlier was just to prepare you for a bigger plan."Hawkfrost mewed.Blackpaw spat."I don't know.ThunderClan is such as nuisance to me,father.Let's switch to our former plan."Wait,Hawkfrost's his father?What is going on here?

"I agree with father.Forget about it.We have to focus on what's ahead."His brother,I guess,tried to encourage him.But Hawkfrost stayed silent like he was thinking."Hmmm,Wolfpaw's right.Let this mistake inspire you to continue.Now that's out of the way,let's hear about your brother's report."the brown tabby went on.

This should be my grand entrance.

Hawkfrost's pov

My two brave warriors.I have put a load of faith in them.I used to fall in love with a loner before when I was alive,but I didn't know that these two will be the product.Blackpaw's my eldest.He looked a lot like his mother who has total black fur.Wolfpaw,my youngest,looked a lot like me,but he is more passive when it comes to taking over the Clans.Blackpaw has courage and I can see that.He's a good fighter,enthusiastic,I can see a good leader in him.A powerful leader.

Wolfpaw,(I was supposed to say on the other hand,but..)he also has courage too.But he is just like my cowardly half-brother,always clinging to StarClan,to the Warrior Code,to the thing they call loyalty.What a bunch of mouse-brains.Loyalty,in me and my father's opinion,is showing no fear and doing everything to get what you want.And that is power.One day,I'll teach him how.

As Wolfpaw was trying to explain,I heard a rustle in the bushes.Ugh,did Darkstripe tried to interrupt me again?

But it wsn't Darkstripe.Instead,it was a small white tom with sky blue eyes.He was way smaller than Snowtuft,one of the Dark Forest cats."Greetings,Hawkfrost.Long time no see."

I narrowed my eyes.I knew who this was.Blizzardpaw.That coward who turned away from my offer twice.What's he gonna do now?

"What are you doing here?"I snarled."Oh,please.I have come here on friendly terms.You were right about me.Potentials should be used for power and power alone.StarClan's just a bunch of frightened kits who are afraid to fight for themselves.To make matters worse,they don't what true power is!"he yowled.

"Showing remorse now,Blizzardpaw?"I asked.My ear just twitched right there."Father,don't listen to him!"Blackpaw cut in.I silenced him with my tail."And what makes me think that your loyalty belongs here and nothing else?"He looked at Wolfpaw and Blackpaw and back at me.

"I can help your sons become leaders.As for me,I just wanted to be the best warrior ever.As I was saying,I'd like to see your strategy play out."My smile went wider.Look at him,StarClan.Look at the Twoleg you trusted.The one chosen has turned away from his destiny.

"Uh,Father?"Wolfpaw asked."Why do we need him?Sooner or later he will turn his back against us!"he added,his tail raised up in alarm."Wolfpaw's right."Blackpaw agreed with him."Blizzardpaw's one of the chosen cats by StarClan.Now that we made him turn his back on them,we will have the advantage of winning.With the right training I gave to the both of you."I explained.

Blizzardpaw's pov

Jeez,Hawkfrost's the worst dad in my opinion.Like,he taught his sons some bad influence to take over the Clans by force.Oh well,let's just see how this works out.

"But how about Lionblaze?He also has that power-"Wolfpaw tried to cut in but Blackpaw interrupted him."Listen.The Great Battle's over.Lionblaze doesn't have his powers anymore,and pretty sure Jayfeather and Dovewing don't have them anymore either."his brother explained."True,that's also my theory."I agreed.I gave the brothers a second look.And thought about Feathertail's prophecy.

Who is the one?

Hawkfrost's yowl broke the moment.I bet he was trying to summon the others.I just stood my ground and looked at him.The Dark Forest had their eyes fixed on me.One that stood out to me was a dark brown tom with battle scars all over him and a shredded tail."Who's that?"I asked Blackpaw.

"Oh,that's Shredtail."I looked at him before Shredtail just looked away.

"Tonight,we have another trainee with us.Of course you know about the prophecy StarClan gave."Hawkfrost announced."Oh,please.Don't you ever talk or even speak of StarClan here."a mottled brown and ginger tom snarled.And oh boy,you can see the look in Hawkfrost's blue eyes that he is super PISSED.What's Hawkfrost gonna do?Shred his fur like Shredtail?I would pay a lot of money just to see this.

"Don't you know who I am?"Hawkfrost asked,I can hear the anger in his voice."You're not even our leader!Tigerstar's better than you,and you're as worse as your cowardly siblings!"the tom yowled."Nobody talks to my father like that!"Blackpaw snarled.Wolfpaw just posed like he was ready to fight.This is my chance.If I can to prove to Hawkfrost and his sons that I can be trusted,I'll fight his battles.Then when he has his confidence,I'll wreck it like Colossus on a wall.

"Some of you just learn to shut up."I cut in."Well,Blizzardpaw.Prove to me that you can survive."he let out a devilish grin.Maybe it looked like his father put his trust on me as well.He looked at the tom then back at me.I let a smile.Hawkfrost's trust,the Dark Forest's trust,I'll play it like a toy.

"Gladly.I'd love a fight."

(The tom is Redwillow from ShadowClan.He was killed by Blackstar in The Last Hope.)

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