The Badger is back(not literally)

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Blazingpaw's POV

I'm on patrol.My mentor,Berrynose,told me that warriors should check the camp in case someone sneaks in.Not on my watch!

I'm with Poppyfrost,Thornclaw,Spiderleg,and Birchfall.Berrynose told me that we're checking ShadowClan borders."They're known for breaking the warrior code many times.So it takes more than guts to show them they're wrong."I nodded.I kept my nose and ears on guard to keep watch on some trespassers.

So far,there's watermint all over the place.I'm on patches of grass,and this place blocks the scent out.I moved on and something weird crossed my nose."Now,Blazingpaw,what can you scent from here?""Some squirrels,loads of watermint,and a little bit of ShadowClan scent.It's getting stronger!"I replied with alarm.

"On your paws,ThunderClan!"So this is why Jack loves battles.But please,for the love of StarClan,I'm not gonna get a shredded pelt.I zoomed in my powers to see what they were talking about.

A tortoiseshell she-cat,a brown tabby tom,and skinny ginger tom were walking and talking casually.

"Where should we set the borders?"the skinny ginger tom asked."Near this old tree."the brown tabby tom replied."That tree is in ThunderClan!Who knows what's gonna happen if a patrol finds us?"the tortoiseshell she-cat asked.I gotta say the the girl has more sense.They'd better not mess with us.

"Who cares about the patrol?What I care about is the welfare of ShadowClan!"a younger voice by a black cat with brown forepaws."I agree with Blackpaw."the skinny ginger tom replied."So do I."the tabby added."Stoatfur,Tigerheart,Blackpaw,if we get caught--"the tortoiseshell cat mewed.

"What did you say,Tawnypelt?"Poppyfrost asked."Oh,Poppyfrost,you've done it again."Tawnypelt mewed."I've said it before.You're on the wrong territory,so move out."Birchfall mewed,lashing his tail."Us,move out?I don't think so."Stoatfur snarled."Why can't you guys have loads of common sense and hunt on your territory?"I asked.Note the sass.

"Blazingpaw's right."Tigerheart just laughed in my face.Like,see what he did there?"You're just an apprentice.But you sure have the guts to tell us what to do.Heh,you're not even Bramblestar!"he added."True,but just you wait until the Gathering."Thornclaw mewed,while giving his fur a quick grooming.

"We have no other choice.Like what,you want us to starve?"Blackpaw asked."I've noticed you look almost the same as Firestar.Well,this one has blue eyes instead of green."Tigerheart mewed.

"First of all,watch your tone a little and show some respect.Second of all,there's a hundred million ways on feeding your Clan.Hunting on somebody else's territory is not an option,to remind you frankly.And saying you have no other choice?What a pretty lame excuse."I said.The other ThunderClan warriors nodded at my speech.

"Like you're a leader!"Blackpaw snarled and lunged at me.I moved out of the way and fast.I checked his paws,yep,claws unsheathed.This one is going to hurt me.I pounced at him,but then I only got his tail.I used my teeth to throw him across the clearing.

"Blackpaw,Blazingpaw,stop!"Poppyfrost mewed.I tried,but all I got was claw mark on my back.When I got a closer look at my opponent,his amber eyes seemed to have a dark aura on them."Back off.When we win,this will be a part of our territory!"Blackpaw yowled.

"Not on my watch!" I replied,pinning him down.For one second,I heard a whisper around my ear."Out of shadows comes darkness as pitch black,and the wolf's howl will be your only hope."

I looked around and saw a starry figure.Badgerfang,my old buddy!I mean thanks for the advice and warning.

"Stop pinning me down,you're suffocating me!"I let him go.Blackpaw let out a sharp breath."Ugh,this is only the beginning,ThunderClan."he said in a sinister voice."Blackpaw's right.Don't underestimate us.We'll be back."Tigerheart hissed.

We just showed those flea-brains who ruled this part of the forest.They'd better not cross this side of the territory because they'll find out that ThunderClan is on the watch for them.

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