Feathertail brings me a prophecy

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Jack's POV(again)

I bolted up from my sleep.And I wished I wasn't dreaming.I'm in the damn Dark Forest again!I wish this place doesn't exist.I started finding my way out.As I was walking,thoughts of my first meeting with Hawkfrost haunted my mind.Me having a truck load of potential doesn't mean he can use me.I'm not being a show-off.

Could I tell something about this?About my dreams of Hawkfrost?Should I?

Maybe I should.I can't fight this battle alone.Bramblestar can help,after all,he's Hawkfrost's half brother.But a deep voice caused me to stop walking."I knew you would come."he said.

"Stay away from me,you bastard.You only wanted to destroy the Clan and my friends.You wanted me to end up like you."I snarled."Now,now,Jack.Looks like we got on the wrong paw.You can be invincible,once you're with me."Hawkfrost tried to hypnotize me with voice.From his younger accent the same as mine,I guess Bramblestar's older than him.

"I'd rather see you crawling under the dirt,begging for my mercy once I'm a full grown warrior."I faced him straight in the eye and smirked."You'd really think I would do that?Only a weak coward like you would."Hawkfrost unsheathed his claws.I did the same.

"Bring it on,Twoleg."he snarled.Anger boiled up inside of me.I was about to leap into him when a silver she-cat jumped in front of me.She was from StarClan.She has silver-colored fur with a thick tail and blue eyes.She unsheathed her claws as well."Feathertail?"Hawkfrost asked,his blue eyes now filled with curiousity.

"Back off,Hawkfrost.He may be a kit but when he finishes apprentice training,he'll be stronger than you and your filthy father once was."the cat named Feathertail said angrily.I smirked and let out a purr.I mean,she has guts to mock Hawkfrost and his father right in the face LIKE A BOSS!(A/N:Sorry.I'm just a huge fangirl.)Maybe they're clanmates before.

"My father was right about you and your brother.Half-Clan cats like you can't be trusted!He maybe killed Stonefur(who's also Half-Clan.His mom is Bluestar from ThunderClan and his dad is Oakheart from RiverClan.),but he deserves it for getting in the way!"he pounced on Feathertail but she shook him off like he was lighter than her.Hawkfrost fell on the ground,hard.He tried to stand up but Feathertail was so fast,he pinned him down.She has nice moves for a girl.I was there,watching her everything.

Hawkfrost only hissed.And Feathertail just curled her tail around me like she was Toriel from Undertale."You fool!You think you've won?The darkness will win once more.And the chosen three will bring them all to their leadership filled with hunger for power!"

Never!I thought.Hawkfrost bounded away in defeat,the dark fog made him look like he vanished into thin air.Feathertail turned to me."Are you okay,young one?"she asked."I'm fine,really."I panted.

"Hawkfrost was just as greedy as I thought."Feathertail said.I agreed with her."Feathertail,why do I keep on coming here?"I asked."Life's a choice.The way your powers will work depends on how will you use it."she replied."Wait,I heard Hawkfrost said that StarClan thought that they have won.But over what?"I asked.

"Over the Great Battle."she said sternly.Battle?It's on.I love battles!"Many cats have lost their lives protecting their Clans.It's still worth it though,the darkness have been defeated.But I never knew they would have a chance of revenge through the three of you.Guess the fight against evil is a never ending war."I just nodded."Jack,promise me that you won't listen to them."Feathertail said.Her blue eyes boring through me.I nodded."But I have to warn you.The warrior with a black-hearted soul will bring destruction to all the Clans.The three of you must stop him,with a help of the wolf's spirit who turned to the light."

Ok,was that a prophecy?Now that's just the start of my worries.

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