Prologue: Esme

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Alright the photo is what I think Esme woukd look like. Please let me know what you think of her, What needs to be improved and if there is any grammer issues.

Please be nice as this is my first fan fic on Wattpad. Also there is some Wiccan prayers and other actions in here as Esme (and myself) are Wiccan, if you don't like it you have been warned and you don't have to read the story. With that being said any rude comments or comments that I find inappropriate I will delete.

Disclaimer: I don't own AMC's walking dead or any of their characters.  I only own Esmeralda and my ideas don't steal them.


My name is Esmeralda Grimes, Esme for short. I am 23 years old and I am the half-sister of Rick Grimes and Shane Walsh. How you may ask? Well, Shane's dad cheated on his wife with Rick's mom after her husband passed, and even though it was a one-time thing, here I am. I grew up mostly with Rick, but every summer I spent with Shane; even though his mom hated me. I was closer to Rick, but ever since he died 2 months ago and this damn zombie apocalypse happened, I am trying to become closer to Shane.

I wake up to the noise of my tent zipper being opened.

"Esme time to get up, wanna help with breakfast?" Lori's voice rings in as she peeks into my tent. I grumble a bit and roll my eyes. She knows I hate mornings. "I'll make you tea if you help me."

"Fine...." I sigh as I get up, shivering as my sleeping bag falls from my body. Lori laughs and closes the tent for me to get ready.

I say my morning Wiccan Prayer. "Lord and Lady please grant unto me the Power of Water, to accept with ease and grace what I can not change. The Power of Fire for energy, and courage to change the things I can. The Power of Air for the ability to know the difference. And the Power of Earth for the strength to continue my path with you. So mote it be and blessed be."

I Then pull on my black skinny jeans and a red tank top. I pull on my socks and braid my long black hair; remembering that I need to ask Lori for my hairbrush back. I grab Rick's old gun and strap it to my belt. I had picked it up at his house when all hell broke loose.

I grab my knife before I open up my tent, to see Lori putting a small pot to boil. I pull on my hiking boots that were sitting outside my tent, slipping my knife into them as I stand up. I walk up to see she has rice and leftover squirrel in a pot as well. I frown, the squirrel was getting old, but at least I'm not starving. Shane walks up "Good morning," he says cheerfully. I grumble an awkward "hi" and start mixing the pot of food as Lori pours my tea.

"So what's the plan today, butt?" I ask and smirk as he rolls his eyes at my nickname.

"Well we need people to go on a run and get some supplies, plus we need to get your insulin." I nod, knowing he's right. "Who're you sending this time?" I ask pulling my nearly empty med vial out of my pocket. I hate this stuff I think to myself.

"I was thinking Glenn, T-Dog and a few volunteers." I nodded again knowing that Glenn knew the city and my meds by now; as he went on runs for me before.

I check my blood sugar as Lori places a bowl of food in front of me. 96 I'm good for now, I hope Glenn and the others can find more or after today we are going to have problems.

Once a plan was made, it is decided that Glenn, Andrea, Morales, Jacqui, T-Dog and Merle are all going on the run. I didn't like that Merle was going, but he did have to start pulling his damn weight around here; like his brother Daryl. At least Daryl hunts and gets us food, all Merle does is sit around camp bitching.

I walk up to Glenn, a small smile forms on my best friend's face. "You better be careful and come back," I say hugging him.

"I always do right?" he laughs hugging me back. "uh huh..." I mumble. Looking at the others I raise my voice so they can all hear me. "Watch each other's backs you hear? Oh and don't do anything stupid." I say pointedly looking at Merle. They all nod, and I give the rest, excluding Merle, a hug. I watch them pile in the cars and leave.

Please Lord and Lady let them be alright.

I sigh, I have a bad feeling about this run. I help clean up breakfast then crawl into my tent picking up my book to read and escape the feeling.

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