Chapter Fifteen: Lost and Lonely

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A/N: Hope you all enjoy, please comment and vote! 


Esme's POV:

I run till my lungs and legs beg me to stop. I fall to my knees and cry on the ground till I am was hoarse. I finally come to when I notice it is first light. I sit up wiping my face as everything comes back to me again. I start shaking, I didn't know whether it was from the cold, shock, sadness or how tired my body was. I look around and notice one dangerous thing; I had no clue where I was.

Part of me knew I should stay where I was, Rick found me once before and there was always Daryl, but I was angry and hurt. I don't want to go back, I don't want to see Rick. Hell, I don't even want to see the group right now. I knew I had to get up or Mister Tracker would find me, I get up and start to walk. I had to at least find shelter. I walk for what seems like 30 minutes when my stomach starts to growl.

Sighing I pull off my backpack and grab one of my emergency granola bars. I sit down and force myself to think. Shane..... And Rick taught you how to survive, come on.... Damn it, how many times have you gone camping with them? What do you have on you?

I finish my food and dump my pack's contents onto the ground. I had: my journal, 3 pens, a spare change of clothes with a couple of underwear, 5 more granola bars, a brush, a toothbrush, a small thing of toothpaste, two water bottles, one empty and the other ¾ full, my diabetic pack, my knife in my boot, my gun in my police belt, having 3 bullets left, and a utility knife. That's all I had. Food and meds were going to have to be my priorities right now.

I continue to walk in the direction I was heading, sure that it was the opposite direction of the group. I walk for a long while only coming across 2 walkers, easy enough to handle with my knife. The walkers at this point don't scare me, hell, I took my anger out on them. It was their fault this world went to shit. Their fault that Shane changed into an ass. Their fault that we had to originally leave Rick behind.

I continue on till I found a road with a sign that read ← prison, I don't even want to go near there it may be infested with walkers or if the people in there were still alive I don't want to know what kind of people they are. So I go the other way only resting when I need to. I sip on my water and halve a granola bar for food again. Walking on I found a bush with some elderberries I pick a bunch and put them in my empty water bottle I then eat the rest until I remember how much sugar they contain. Testing my sugar levels an hour later it is a tad high, 150.

Finally getting to the end of the road I find a small intersection going to a small neighborhood. I bang on the door of the first house I get to and only hear one moan. I open the door to have the walker fall on the ground. I quickly kill it and swiftly move into the house. It smells rotten. I check all the rooms not finding any more walkers. I check the kitchen finding some canned beans and other canned veggies. In the pantry, I was lucky enough to find a couple of water bottles, but there were no meds anywhere.

I move the walker out of the doorway and shut the door locking it. I make sure that all other windows and doors are locked. After that I check to see if the water would work, sadly it doesn't. I put all of my stuff in one room and change the sheets so I could sleep as it was now getting dark.

Daryl's POV:

I had tracked her for days, she led us all to a small neighborhood where she had scavenged every house for food and supplies. Even scavenged a Walgreens for her meds she needed. I was angry with myself that this girl could outrun me. I knew that she didn't want to be found. I had told this to Rick and the others many times after about a month of not finding her. We finally gave up after 2 months, but every once in a while we would find something that would show she had been in the area. Wiccan books would be left behind with carvings in coffee tables, almost like she was bored. Her old clothes were left in a clothing store on the ground. One walker had her pentacle necklace in its hand and her diabetic pack was left with another backpack in the room. Thankfully after checking it's stomach contents we knew she was ok. All of this would start the search again. It angered me every time we didn't find her in the next neighborhood.

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