Chapter Seventeen: Escalation

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We follow the prisoners back to the cafeteria to get our share of the food.

"Pantry is back here. " Thomas says.

"You never tried to break out of here?" Tdog wonders.

"Yeah, we tried to take the doors off, but if you make one peep those freaks would try to break down the door. The windows have bars on them that even Heman couldn't get through." Oscar explains.

"Bigger than a 5 by 8." Axel says.

"You won't find me complaining." Big Tiny says. "Doing 15. My left leg can barely fit on one of those bunks."

"They don't call him Big Tiny for nothing," Oscar jokes.

"Done jerking each other off?" Thomas interrupts. " Sick of waiting back here."

I roll my eyes but follow to the pantry anyway. The pantry had more food than I have seen in the last 300 days combined. A little bit left my ass..... I think eying a can of peaches.

"This what you call a little bit of food?" Daryl states my thoughts.

"It goes fast." Thomas retorts.

"Sure it does." I shake my head in anger.

"You can have a bag of corn, some cans of tuna fish....."

"We said half, that's the deal." Rick interrupts him as I'm about to argue again. "What's in there?" He questions pointing to a door.

"Don't open that." Oscar warns I raise my eyebrows at him when a horrid smell hits my nose making me gag. The prisoners laugh as I try not to throw up.

"He wanted to know." Thomas laughs out.

"Can't wait for my own pot to piss in." Axel says to no one in particular.

At this, we start to pack up our half of the food.

We gather up our half of the food and carry it back to our cell block. I had to admit I was as excited as Tdog about having food again. My stomach was hurting now just thinking about it all.

"Foods here!" Tdog announces as we get back. "Canned beef, canned corn, canned cans."

"There is a lot more where this came from." I say just as excited.

"Any changes?" Rick questions Lori and Glenn, causing my excitement to fall as I stop to listen.

"Bleeding is under control and no fever, but his breath is labored and his pulse is way down and he hasn't opened his eyes yet." Lori answers causing me to frown.

"Take my cuffs put them on him." Rick tells Glenn.

"What?" I question.

"I'm not taking any chances."

I nod understanding but still didn't like it. I take my food to Tdog as Rick passes his as well and talks to Lori.

When we're done with the food we gather up some weapons were willing to give up and head back to the prisoners.

"Why do I need this? When I have this?" Thomas asks holding crowbar and his gun.

"You don't fire a gun unless your back is up against a wall." Daryl answers.

"Noise attracts them." I explain.

"It really riles them up." Daryl says.

"We will go in 2 by 2. Daryl and Esme will run point with T. That's the only 3 group, I'll bring up the rear with you." Rick explains pointing to Andrew. Stay tight and hold formation, no matter how close the walkers get. Anyone breaks ranks, we can all go down. Anyone runs off, they could get mistaken for a walker, end up with an ax to the head."

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