Chapter Seven: The Graveyard of Cars

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I was now sitting in the RV with Shane and Andrea cleaning our guns. Shane was teaching Andrea how to clean her gun. I already knew how to do all this seeing as how Rick and Shane taught me all about guns when I was 15.

I was pulled out of my own thoughts when the RV and Caravan came to a stop. Looking around I notice the road is blocked by a lot of cars. I got up and made my way to the front looking at Glenn in the passenger seat. "Is there a way through?" I ask.

"We don't know." He answers me. The beautiful purr of Daryl's motorcycle grew louder as he pulled up to Dale's side of the RV.

"See a way through?" Dale called over the loud engine. Dale began to drive again slowly following Daryl, trying to make it past the cars. I let out a loud groan as the sound of the radiator hose going out rang through everyone's ears. We all piled out of the RV stretching and taking a look at the engine. Smoke was coming from the front, I coughed as I waved my hand and pulled my shirt over my nose to help me breath better.

"I said it," Dale sighed. "Didn't I say it? A thousand times. Dead in the water."

"Problem Dale?" Shane asks.

"Just a small matter of being stuck in the middle of nowhere with no hope of.." He trailed off as he saw Daryl searching through a nearby vehicle. "Okay, that was dumb."

"If you can't find a radiator hose here.." Shane hinted.

"There's a whole bunch of stuff we can find," Daryl said as he dug through the back of an abandoned vehicle.

"I can siphon more fuels from these cars for a start," T-Dog agreed.

"Maybe some water," Carol said hopefully.

"Food," Glenn added.

"Medical supplies." I smiled at everyone.

"This is a graveyard," Lori pointed out. "I don't know how I feel about this." She continued. There was at least one corpse in every car, but we needed the supplies.

"We still need to search Lori." I say putting my hand on her shoulder to comfort her.

"Come on, Y'all, Just look around. Gather what you can." Shane orders.

I search all the cars I could grabbing a bag from one and placing in anything I could find: clothes that would fit Lori and me, a couple of shirts I found for Sophia and Carl. I also found a hairbrush, some hygiene stuff, and a toolkit. I was digging around in another car when I heard someone saying something. I turn around seeing Rick motioning for me to get down. I look around and feel the blood drain from my face as I see all the walkers. I drop down under the car I was searching for pulling my bag with me.

Footsteps along with groans of walkers shuffled past me as I held my breath from the smell of disease. Worry and fear were coursing through me for the others. I wondered if Shane, Lori, and Carl were ok, but it took a good three minutes or so for the army of walkers to pass by for me to feel safe enough to slide out from under the vehicle. I looked around as everyone else came out of their respective hiding spots, I ran to Lori and Carl to make sure they were ok. Just as I was sure they were fine the sound of a terrified scream caught me off guard as Sophia sprinted off into the woods. Two walkers hot on her trail with Rick shortly behind.

Lori and I sat with Carol trying to calm her as we waited for Rick to come back with her, but he came back alone. Trying to explain to Carol what happened was not going well. He had to distract the walkers and had hoped that Sophia would come back to us but being a child she probably got lost on her way back.

Shane, Glenn, Rick, and Daryl went off to follow Sophia's trail. But it hadn't taken Glenn and Shane that long to return, assuring Carol that everything was fine and that both Daryl and Rick were looking after it, but by the look on Glenn and Shane's face I could tell... they hadn't had any luck.

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