Chapter Forty One: ... In Death.

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I sit with Daryl not wanting to be around the angry Saviors after their outburst. I was sitting on the ground leaning against Daryl's leg, we were sharpening our knives in a semi-peaceful moment when I see Rick walking towards us. I sigh and silently pray the moment won't be broken. Rick sits down on a log stump and I give him a small smile. I hear Daryl sigh and the ring of metal on metal stops. "Go ahead," I hear him say, "Ask." I move my hand backward to place it on his knee and squeeze in comfort. "That wound on Justin..." Rick starts. "Looks like a puncture I wondered if it could be from a knife, but it's small, round, and clean." "Rick..." I start but he holds his hand out a bit and continues,"Smaller and cleaner than a bullet hole." I start to glare and sit up more. "It kind of looks like an arrow hit him. Or a bolt." "Is this the kind of shit you used to do?" Daryl ask. "When I had to." Rick nods."You really think I did it?" "No." Rick answers and I settle a bit. "But others do, so I'm making sure." "If I'd have killed him I would have killed him in plain sight." Daryl states. Rick looks away from us. "We don't know who it is, but we know why, and so do you. Bringing all these people together, it was always going to happen." "No. It's the right thing to do." Rick disagrees. I sigh running my hand through my hair. "The future belongs to all of us now.""To us, Rick, us, not them," I grumble standing up now and turning around."Why do they get this future? And Glenn doesn't?" Daryl asks. My heart stutters a bit at his name. "Or Abraham? Or Sasha? All the people the Kingdom lost... Hilltop... Oceanside... Do you ever think about what they want? What they'd do, if they could?" "Yeah, I do. I have. For a long time, I wanted it too. Maybe more than anyone." Rick counters. "But killing each other when the world already belongs to the dead? It's not the way, not anymore." "Tell that to the person killing the Saviors, brother," I mumble as Daryl gets up and grabs his crossbow. "We should go work that grid," Daryl says and I start to follow. "Daryl, Esme, I know you don't agree with everything we're doing here. All I ask is that you try. Do it. Let people see it. And maybe everyone moves past what happened to what could happen, and maybe just maybe, it will be one of the best decisions you ever made. Like forgiving a brother for killing your brother or not killing a guy who left your brother on a rooftop to die.""I am trying and it's not for your sake, brother, it's for Carl's," I say angrily and watch his face turn to pain before I walk away. Daryl catches up to me and we start to search the grid for clues on who killed Justin and maybe find the other saviors. After another hour of searching, I hear Rick on the radio. "Call it out." He says."Grid one clear so far..." Jerry's voice calls."Grid 2's clear." Daryl states."3 is clear," Rick says on his turn."Grid 4 is clear," I hear Maggie say."Grid 5 clear," Arat's voice says."Piper 1 anything up top?" Rick asks next. "We're good, nothing moving our way." Dianne pipes up. "Stay sharp, eyes open, we still got missing people out here." I roll my eyes at Rick's voice. I didn't think that the others that were missing wanted to be found. "Got activity nearby," Maggie's voice jumps in. "Gonna go check it out." "We're heading your way." Rick states. "Grid 5 do the same." We finish our grid search and meet up with Rick and Rosita on their way to Maggie. We get there and I see them trying to deal with a lot of walkers coming out of the house. "Shit!" I run to kill a walker trying to Maggie's leg as she dealt with 2 others. Daryl shoots a walker that is trying to get to Cyndie and Rick and Rosita kill some other walkers. "You okay?" Daryl asks Cyndie. "Yeah just opened it back up," She answers I turn to her."Come here," I say. "Let me clean that." She comes over and I pull some medical supplies out."What happened to grid 5 they should have been here before us," Rosita asks and Rick grabs his radio. I finish cleaning and bandaging up the wound."Grid 5 what's your status?" We don't get an answer. "Let's go check on them," I state putting away the medical supplies. We find Bea on the ground thankfully she isn't hurt much and wakes up. "Bea, wake up," Cyndie calls to her friend. I help her sit up and grab a spare water bottle I have given her a couple of sips. "You okay?" Rick asks as she finally seems to be able to talk. "Yeah, I think so,""What happened?" "Uh... Arat called in the all-clear, and we headed towards the road, and then... I don't know I think something hit me from behind.""And Arat?""I don't know," I help her stand up and turn to look around but didn't see much, I look to Daryl who was doing the same thing. We make eye contact as he gives Bea her weapon back, he was on to something. I turn and listen when I hear Maggie speaking."Whoever did this took her," She says holding up her weapons and radio. "Great..." I sigh angrily. I take Bea to the medical tent checking her for a concussion and other stuff. I restitch Cyndie's wound as well and wait for what Rick wanted to do next."Hey, you want to come with us?" I hear from the front of the tent, I look up to see Maggie and Daryl. "Yeah, I'll go, come on in while I finish this," I say indicating my pump. I was currently putting in a new insulin bottle and recalibrating it. They nod and sit. "What's your number at?" Daryl asks like always when he sees me checking it. "156, and I just ate so it will be a tad higher in an hour but since I will seem to be doing a lot of walking I should be fine." I smile at him and he nods. I pack the pump in my side pack and zip it up throwing away the trash I grab my cantine and I nod to them to head out. We search our grid quietly for the most part small talk here and there till Daryl brings up what was bugging him."You okay with all this or just playing nice for Rick?" He asks Maggie."I'm not sure," She answers, honestly neither did I. "Yeah, me neither." Daryl states. "Part of me wishes I could see things his way, look forward, and not back. Every time I look at Hershel, I think about how things could've been. And I can't let that go.""You don't have to, I haven't""What Rick's doing is right for the future, it's better for Hershel." I nod about to say something when we hear a walker. I grab my knife and Daryl points his crossbow as we round a bush and see a dead person and a walker on the ground. "I'll get it," Maggie says grabbing her knife."All right." I nod. She kills the walker and we walk up to the scene. The dead woman has a long bolt in her chest. I blink recognizing it. He pulls it out and stares between us."I know who took Arat," He says getting up and starts to walk. Maggie and I look at each other puzzled and follow him. That's when Daryl tells us he thinks the Oceanside is doing it and Maggie tells us about the old school they used to live. We follow her there and hear some noises coming from the side. "Beg." I hear a voice. "Beg like you made them beg." "Drop it!" Daryl and I call as Bea points her makeshift bow at him I point my gun. "Bea," Cyndie speaks. "It's ok." Bea doesn't lower her weapon. We walk closer."You take out Justin with that thing?" Daryl asks. "He killed my husband." Bea states and I see Maggie frown. Daryl lowers his crossbow and nods for me to lower my gun. I do as told and Bea lowers her bow. "Daryl, please!" Arat begs him. "They got a reason?" Daryl asks her."We've all done things," "People will find out," Maggie states."She's the last one," Cyndie tells us. "After this, it's over." "Maybe for you, but it won't be. With something like this it, it keeps going.""This was our home, my mother and my grandmother found this place for the group. There were so many of us then. Men and women... kids. My mom and I built a garden. Me and my brother used to play right here. But then the saviors came and Simon wanted what we had." It was a story we heard all too much and I look away from the crying girl knowing what was coming next. "He gave us our final warning. Afterward, we ran and we tried to forge. But, then, your people came and asked us to fight." I turn to look at Cyndie now. "We did because we couldn't forget. After Rick ended it, we went along because we didn't think we had a choice. Until you hung Gregory. That's when we knew, Rick's rules aren't the only rules. You showed us the way. It was time." I look to Maggie shocked."You did this because of me?" She asks shocked as well. "They murdered my mother," Cyndie cries more. "She shot my brother right here and they took everything because they could.""Please," Arat begs again turning to us. "It's not like that anymore, okay? I'm... I'm one of you now." I look away as anger swells in me. "Did you do it?" Maggie asks her."Simon would've killed me, too!" "You asked me to beg for his life!" Cyndie screams at her. "He was crying and you smiled! I told you I loved him. I needed him. He was only 11 years old and what did you say?" I frown turning back around. "I... I don't remember..." She stutters rocking back and forth. "Say it!" Cyndie yells."Please!" Arat looks to us again and I glare at her, my head said this was wrong, but my heart went out to Cyndie. I knew how she felt I wanted Negan dead just as much as she wanted Arat dead. "What did you say?" I ask her finally speaking up. She looks away from us."No exceptions," She answers and then looks to us again. I feel disgusted and anger fills me as I turn to look at Daryl and Maggie they were already turning away. "Oh, no! Maggie! Daryl!" Arat begs as they walk away. She looks at me. "Esme, please!" I shake my head and follow them."Daryl, you can't do this! Maggie, please! Esme, I've changed!" We hear her beg. We pick up the fule we found and make our way back towards the road as daylight started. I was lost in my train of thoughts when Maggie puts her hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry what?" I ask not knowing what she was talking about."It's time." She says seriously. I blink and sigh looking to Daryl, he nods to me and I nod."Ok, so it's time to see Negan." I agree. "Esme, we tried..." "I know. I just... I don't know, I hate going against my brother. But I want Negan dead just as much as you." Maggie nods to me. I sit with Daryl sharing an apple at camp as Jerry rides up quickly and worried. Rick comes out of his tent. "Hey I got something for you Jefe," Jerry says to my brother."What is it?" Rick asks I look to Daryl, he nods slightly and I sigh looking down. "Maggies heading down to Alexandria, Jesus thought you should know pronto." "When did she leave?""Dunno. Call just came in from the Hilltop relay.""Did he say anything else?""Just that you know what that means. Sorry man, that's all I got." "No, No. Thanks, Jerry." Rick then Radios Alexandria relay to hold and stall Maggie. Daryl gets up and I look to him."Stay here." He tells me."Daryl..." I start to argue."Esme please." He looks to me. "You don't want to fight with your brother." I know he's right so I nod."Just be careful." I plead and he nods, going to Rick. "Hey," Daryl gets Rick's attention. "What's going on?""Maggie's headed to Alexandria. She's about to do something she might regret.""Hop on. I'll take you." "You sure? We got enough fuel?""Yeah, we'll get there quicker." I walk up to both of them as they mount the bike. "Be careful both of you." They nod to me and I kiss Rick on the cheek. Daryl had an apple in his mouth so I laugh and kiss his cheek as well. "I love you both," I call as he starts the bike and starts to drive off."Love you too!" Rick calls."Catch," Daryl throws the apple at me and I catch it. "Love you too," I hear as I watch them both leave knowing I would have to patch up cuts and bruises later on both of them. I'm packing up the medical tent when Jerry comes in and places some trunks down. I look at him in question. "Carol said to lock them in here." I just shrug."Okay," I say and go back to what I'm doing when he leaves out the tent."Umm... Lady Esme," I hear Jerry call with worry. I get up and come out of the tent."What is it Jer..." I ask and pull my gun when I see the Saviors with weapons pointed at Carol. "Drop your guns, the party's over," Jed says. "See, uh, I took the scenic route but I figured it out. Oceanside's killing us. So now, being that its war, they're going to get what's coming to them.""Enough, Jed," I yell stepping a bit closer. "You're outnumbered.""She's right," Carol says. "You're gonna get everybody killed." "Excuse me, Carol," Jed scoffs. "You ain't boss-lady no more. You're a weak little woman who got in a lucky shot. And now..." He pulls back the hammer on the gun and Jerry steps in front of me walking closer to Carol. I lower my gun so I don't aim at his back and try to step around him. "You listen to what I say and step aside." Carol lowers her gun and I scoff."Carol!" I call to her but she moves to the side. Jed looks to me as he grabs her keys. "Drop your weapon or she gets it." I do as he says glaring at him and angry with Carol. He moves to get the weapons he had and Carol kicks him in the knee and backhands him, I gasp in surprise and laugh. I pick my gun back up as more Saviors come from the woods. All hell breaks loose as gunshots are fired and we fight the saviors. Jerry, Carol and I fought together protecting each other's backs. Daryl comes back with the help of Michonne, Maggie, and a couple of others we head off the Saviros we were fighting."Daryl, where is my brother?" I ask when I don't see him anywhere."The herd it was coming this way, he was leading it away as I came to check what happened." He explained. "Where is he taking the herd?" I ask with worry."I don't...""The herd is coming this way!" Jerry comes riding up. I look to Daryl then the others."The bridge, I told Rick it wouldn't hold them they would get washed out to sea," Daryl says explains and we run towards the bridge. We run to the bridge and worry courses through me as the bridge doesn't break. Rick seems to be injured a lot of blood is coming from his side, he's walking slow and Daryl kills a walker about to bite him."Brother!" I yell as he stares at us and Daryl has to kill another walker getting to close. "What is he doing?" Maggie asks."He's hurt." Michonne points out the obvious. "That herd is going straight to Hilltop, he's trying to bring down the bridge," I explain. "No." Michonne pulls her sword and runs to the other side of the bridge. "We turn them around fight 'em back." Maggie orders."Fire your guns," Carol orders as they all run to the back of the herd. "Try to divert them." I stay with Daryl watching my brother. Rick sees what the others are doing and starts to shake his head at us. He kills a walker and starts to go back to the bridge. "Rick! NO!" I yell and start to run towards him. "Esme!" I hear Daryl yell after me. But I watch as he still kills walkers getting to close to my brother. He looks to me and waves his hand as if trying to tell me to stay away."Brother, get back, you're hurt!" I yell. I see him picking up his gun, he waves his hands to me again and shakes his head. "Brother!" I try to call him again but I can't seem to speak as a huge wave of heat hits me and I feel my body be flung in the air. Pain shoots through my head and body as I fall unconscious. "ESME! ESME!" I hear someone calling me. I slowly open my eyes to see Daryl running to me. "Esme, hey talk to me, love." I slowly stand up using the tree behind me to help me stand. "I... I'm fine. I think." I say as I blink trying to focus on him. I could hear screaming off in the distance but I didn't know whos it was. I look up at Daryl, he was staring at me with worry. "What's wrong?" I ask. "Esme, You..." Daryl shakes his head."I'm fine," I say standing more. He nods his head as the others come running to us. Michonne was crying and the others looked to me with pure worry and sorrow on their faces. Something was wrong that I couldn't put my mind on. I try to take a step forward to get to Michonne when my vision blurs. I blink and stagger when I start to feel dizzy. "Daryl..." I call as I feel my body give out from under me. "Esme!" I hear Maggie call me as someone catches me. "Esme, hun, look at me." I blink and try to focus on her as someone lays me down. "Maggie..." I blink as my vision blurs some more and I feel my body get cold. It's only then that I know what's going to happen. "Esme, love." I turn my head to his voice I try to focus on his face but strange blurs of people start to come forward. Glenn, Herschel, Lori, and Shane were standing behind him smiling at me. "Glenn, Lori," I smile at them knowing I'll be fine now. "Esme," Carol tries to gain my attention. I focus then on Daryl. I weakly place my hand on his cheek. "I love you," I tell him as he grabs my left hand in his."I love you too." He says kissing my hand."I love you all," I tell the others as my vision goes blank and I leave my body behind.Daryl's P.O.V.I feel the cold arrow of her ring contrast against the coldness of her hand under my lips. Her hand falls slack no longer holding mine and I watch as the life leaves her eyes. Maggie chokes back a sob as she closes her best friend's eyes forever. Carol pulls a knife from her belt and stands up moving to my right side. She holds the knife out to me and I know what I have to do. I grab the knife and wrap my left arm around her kneck pulling her up and I bury the knife in the back of her head, making sure she stays at peace in death. The only reason I knew she had some semblance of peace was that she called out to Glenn and Lori. Carol lay one hand on Esme's head and one on my shoulder, Maggie had Esme's right hand in hers. I lay her back down and pull my left hand back only to stop when something catches on my pinkie, Esme's pentacle. I pull her necklace off I stand up and turn and walk away letting the tears fall and ignoring the stares I was getting from the others.

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