Chapter Thirteen: This Group is Broken

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The rest of the day I roam around camp tending to small chores that needed to be done. I am cleaning my own tent, having run out of useful chores when Dale walks to me.

"May I talk with you?" He asks.

I smile at him. "Are you not already?"

He laughs. "So about Randall, where do you stand on this?"

"I honestly can't really say where, on one hand, this is killing a man, but the laws are gone now. On the other hand, I will do whatever it takes to protect this group. Even if that means killing a man who can bring a group of killing rapist to us."

"But as a Wiccan do you not believe in Harming no one."

"Yes An ye harm none, do what ye will. It is a belief I own, but I also have the right to protect myself and others."

"Do you really think that killing him is the right thing to do?"

"If it means keeping his group away from us then yes, Dale he knows Maggie and her father, which means he knows where this farm is, and he more than likely knows where his group is. Which means he can lead them here. Easily. I'm sorry Dale, but I'm with Shane and Rick on this."

Dale looked sad but nods and walks away. I sigh. Oh Lord and Lady let this be the right thing. If his soul is good at heart let him into the home of Summerland.

Later I'm sitting outside with Rick, he was staring off in the distance. I could tell he was rethinking the Randall situation.

"Brother, It's the right thing to do, the only thing."

He turns to me and stares in my eyes for a second. "Do you really believe that Esme?"

"If you had asked me that question about 6 months ago before the world had gone to shit, I would say no I don't, but now I think it is yes. It will keep this group, our family safe."

Lori comes out the door at this point. "It's almost time. I know this isn't easy for you."

"It isn't easy for anyone, but I thought it through, I made the call, I'm ready to do this."

"You don't have to be the one to do it, Shane or Daryl..." Lori says.

"Yes, yeah, it has to be me." Rick interrupts her. "I brought him back here. Maybe I shouldn't have. I gotta keep these people safe. That is what I'm going to do."

"What about Dale?" Lori asks. I look away sadly, I didn't know what to say to that.

"He's got an uphill battle." Rick sighs. "You said you support me."

I look at Rick at this point then to Lori.

"I do." She answers. Rick nods.

"But you didn't say if you think I'm making the right call." At this Lori looks away.

"This is the right call." Rick says to her.

"I agree, brother." I say putting my hand on his shoulder. Lori just looks between us both then nods.

"Yeah." She finally agrees.

We now gather in the kitchen to have the last discussion about Randall. Carl stands at the back hoping that Rick and Lori don't notice but Rick does and stares at him. "Go on bud." I say finally from my seat in front of Rick. He sighs and leaves.

"So how do we do this?" Glenn asks. "Just take a vote?"

"Does it have to be unanimous?" Andrea asks, obviously thinking about Dale.

"How about majority rules?" Lori asks.

"Let's just see where everybody stands, then we can talk through the options." Rick says.

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