Chapter Twenty Eight: From a Friend

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As we make our way back to the others I look at Daryl.

"Are you going to be okay?" I ask, he sighs.

"I will be, I have to be."

"You know it's okay, not to be okay, you don't always have to be strong for everyone."

He just nods, I can tell he doesn't know what do say or do. We continue to walk a bit more when I hear him chuckle. I raise an eyebrow at him when I see he is looking at me.


"Very poetic your angel and arrow reference." I can feel the blush rising, it wasn't every day I said things like that. They mostly stayed hidden in my thoughts or in my journal, which was lost in the prison.

"So what?" I snap embarrassed still.

"You know that I am no angel?" I think for a bit then smile.

"I think in some ways you are a fallen," I nod. "A fallen angel, My fallen angel." I smile at him. He shakes his head at me.

"Maybe in some ways you are like other girls." I can hear the teasing in his voice.

"I am different, but I am still a girl, Daryl." I point out.

"Hmm." Is all I get out of him when we make our ways through the trees and onto the road. I see Rick and the others crowded around something and Rick turns with worry on his face to us. He walks up and hands over a piece of paper. "From a friend." I read and look down at what the others are crowding. 10 water bottles and 4 gallons of water. My mouth waters at the sight of it, but my heart races with anxiety. Automatically Daryl goes on the defensive looking around and getting his crossbow ready, my hand grabs a throwing knife.

"What else are we going to do?" Tara asks. I shake my head.

"Not this," Rick says, I nod, agreeing. "We don't know who left it."

"If that's a trap we already happen to be in it." Eugene states. "But I, for one, would like to think it is indeed from a friend."

"What if it isn't?" Carol asks.

"Exactly, it could be poisoned." I point out. Eugene then goes and grabs a water bottle.

"Eugene!" Rosita calls.

"What are you doing, dude?" Tara asks.

"Quality assurance." He says opening the water bottle and is about to take a drink when Abraham knocks it out of his hands. Everyone stays quiet for a bit. I shake my head, sighing.

"We can't." Rick says.

Just then thunder starts to rumble and rain starts to pour. We all start to laugh and smile as the heat of the day falls off of us. We all turn our faces to the sky and drink what we can.

"Everyone get the bags, anything you can find. Come on." Rick orders and we all get empty cans, bottles, and bowls to collect the water. As we are doing this the rain gets stronger and the thunder gets louder.

"Rick, it's a thunderstorm!" I call him staring at the clouds get darker.

"Let's keep moving." He nods to me and the others.

Judith starts crying and I grab her from Carl pulling a sweater from my pack and putting it over her.

"There's a barn!" Daryl calls.

"Where?" Rick asks Daryl and I lead the way.

We clear the barn and make ourselves at home. Carl lays down with Judith and I lay facing them, tired from today's events, but no matter how much I try to sleep I can't so I lay there staring at them both. Daryl's words echoing in my head... "If not for me then for Rick, Carl, and Judith." How could I fight a disease that needed medicine that was running out in the world? I would find a way, no, we would find a way. No matter what I would fight... I would fight for all of them, not for me, but for them. Especially Daryl, cause no matter how much he didn't want to admit he needed us, he did. I would fight for my fallen angel.

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