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Hey guys! Here it is... After days, I finally published it cause you know, there was a terrible storm on our country and no wifi.. Oh! and I changed the ending of the story in Book 1, so you guys better read it first tho... 
Now, Where were we...?

---Randy's POV---
I... I can't believe this... (Y-Y/n) lost her memory?... And its all because of me!?... I looked at (Y/n) and she kept a straight face like thinking of who was I. My heartbeat got louder and louder.
"N-No.. I-It can't be..." I said as I shook my head in denial. 
"I-I'm really sorry..." She said as she patted me on the back while I was sitting next to her... I don't know what I'm being so worried about cause were not even that close and I honestly feel like this was good thing since she can forget about me.... But....
I feel like I should help her remember... 
"You seriously can't remember anything..? Don't you remember me?" I continued to ask her almost to verge of crying.
She didn't reply for awhile...


"You don't remember the time where we played at Greg's Gamehole? After that we hang at the park and you saw a swing and you sat on it and then a girl came along and you showed her who's boss and completely owned her which I thought was absolutely bruce and-..." I was cut off by (Y/n) who coughed and I didn't realize that I grabbed her hand and I squeezed it while I was saying those words...
I quickly let go of it and did a face palm.. WHY DID I HAVE TO DO THAT!?..
"I-I'm sorry... I shouldn't have-..." I was again cut off by (Y/n). And believe me it wasn't because she said something, it was because she kissed my cheek. I instantly blushed bright red and had my eyes wide opened. I looked at her and saw her smiling.
"Like I would ever forget about that.." (Y/n) suddenly said smiling at me.
It took about a minute to process what she just said cause I was still staring at her face... Then, I snapped out and realize what she just said..
"WAIT WHAT!?!" I shouted and made me confused.
"Heh, I was just kidding about that 'I have amnesia' thing..." She said now smiling and laughing..
"Wha-... H-how about (Y/c)!?..." I asked her.
"He was part of the prank... duh!"
"I-I... Why would you do that!?" I said now getting a little bit angry at her.
"Hmm, nothing... I'm just bored I guess... Well, Did it work?" She asked me with excitement in her eyes. I seriously thought that she has amnesia... ugh.. This girl... is so... SO.... 

"Yeah, you got me good... I actually thought that it was real though..." I said  with a smile, I honestly thought that I would be angry at her but it feels so surreal.
"Well, that's acting for you dude." She said as she lean back at her bed. I just smiled sheepishly at her. (Y/n) suddenly breathe in and started to close her eyes. But she was fighting it for awhile then, her eyes didn't open anymore.
I started panicking and got out of the room. I swear my heartbeat got louder and louder. I saw (Y/c) sitting outside and smiled at me.
"Haha... We got you-.."
"(Y-Y/n).. H-Her eyes a-aren't... open anymore.." I frantically said to him.
"Wh-What!?" (Y/c) said as he went in the room worried as ever. But he looked calm though.
"Dude, its just the medicine.. Its a medicine that forces you to sleep whether you like it or not, the doctor gave it to her awhile ago. I guess its just taking affect right now."
"Oh... Uh.. When will she wake up?" 
"Hmm, I guess about another 5 hrs would do."
"Well, I'm going now. Goodbye!" I said as I walked off cause its already 6:00 pm. My mom's texting me like crazy.

~-~(Y/c)'s POV~-~(After five hours..)

(Y/n) started waking up and I didn't leave her side all day, Did I fell asleep too?... 
"Ugh... (Y/c)...?" (Y/n) said a bit drowsy and half asleep.
"Mmm..?" I said rubbing my eyes, It seems like I have fallen asleep. But then I blushed as my vision cleared cause (Y/n)'s face was only inches away. I just stare at her for awhile but then, she said....
"I want cake..." 
I laughed a bit, Ah unpredictable (Y/n)... 
"You can't have cake now, its like 11:15 pm..." I said as I patted her head, she must be still half asleep...
"I love you..." She said softly looking at me with a smile then closed her eyes and went back to sleep...

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