Kill Or Get Killed... Which One Is It?

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---Randy's POV---
I had her pinned against the wall... Still thinking whether I should kill her... Or not. I don't have the courage to KILL someone who's so special to me. I cannot....

"Any time now Ninja..." Nightmare said getting a little bit annoyed who was no longer wearing Shadow's suit. So now she's wearing a black jacket and some jeans.
"Sh-Shut up!" I said as I pushed my sword. But it accidentally wounded her throat... Shoot. Now blood is escaping through her throat and my sword was dripping with blood too.. I quickly stepped back and dropped my sword.

"Randy... How could you?!" (Y/n) said as she touched her blood dripping off her neck.
"Shoot! Is that you (Y/n)!? I-I didn't mean to-... I could heal it for you if you want..." I quickly focused and light beams shot out of my palms hitting her and soon... The scar was gone.
"A-Are you alright!?" I said as I got close to her and offered a hand to help her up. But then I realized something....

Wait a minute...

Didn't (Y/n) told me to END her!? Why would she react like that if she wants to get killed!? ......

Oh man.... Nightmare tricked-...

And it was that moment that she used her legs to knock me off my feet which resulted me hitting on the ground.
"Didn't know you were that gullible." She said with a grin. I tried to get up but she quickly noticed it and just put her foot on my chest. She put her foot down so hard that I couldn't breathe anymore... I tried to get her foot off my chest but I couldn't she's too strong.... I'm too weak...
"What pathetic shoob you are Randy... You call yourself a hero and yet you can't even save this town from me. What a let down..." As soon as she finished saying that, she crushed my chest even harder... I really couldn't breathe and tried my best to get her feet off my chest. Seeing that it didn't work, I pulled out a smokebomb and threw it at the ground.
She was distracted which loosen her grip on me and so it was a perfect time to get out off my position. She coughed up and jump upwards to get out of the smoke (which btw, smelled like farts).
"Ugh... What is that!? Is this a Fart bomb!?" She said as she countinued coughing.
"No, it was a smokebomb but I like how the way you think. So here's an Ice ball!" I said as I threw one at her feet and it froze her up to her head. Hmp, that took care of it.

She can't destroy the city if she's frozen right?

Just when I thought it was finished, I heard a cracking sound. I turned around and saw that there was a crack on the ice and eventually, the whole ice cracked resulting Nightmare breaking free. I'm too weak to move another muscle coz I used up my energy healing that girl...
I stood there as she charged in and punched me continuously and also kicking me. It was so fast that I couldn't dodge any single one of them. But then she stopped...
"Have... Enough..?" I asked nearly out of breathe..
"Psshh, I'm just getting started." She said as she grabbed my sword from earlier and tried to stab me with it...

I managed to dodge them... Except for one... But it was just a scratch on my arm...

"I could do this all night long." She said with a grin plastered across her face and strated to scratch up my entire body, on my arm, on my legs, and on my chest. The Ninja suit was all tattered up and so am I. She smirked as she ran towards me and gave me a final stab...

Through my stomach....

The blade went through me, which made me puke out blood. But as she pulled it out real fast, I fell to the ground...

I feel so helpless...

I watched as my blood escaped my body....

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