.Finally! Graduation Day!.

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When reading this, just seat back on a comfy chair or lie down on a comfy couch/bed and get something to eat even its just a cookie, cause this will be a long last chapter... (At least 3000 words.. lol)

You have been warned...

~~~(Y/n)'s POV~~~
Its been months ever since (Y/c) went bonkers and tried to destroy the world.. I still couldn't explain what happened to him but sources say he was like that cause he thought I was losing my 'skills' as an Assassin. But he's back to normal now.
My fight with him was still running through my mind like it just happened yesterday.

But its all behind me... Nobody remembers that day except me. I was wearing a special hoodie after I initiated it. The hoodie blocks the electromagnetic wave from getting inside my brain.

No one suspected it cause we said it was only an earthquake.

We used the amnesia ray again cause there was too much secrets that were revealed. Like, Randy's secret of being the Ninja; Theresa knowing about us being an Assassin; The green balls of the sorcerer and other more.

"Hey (Y/n)! Are you ready or not? Were going to be late for our own Graduation!" (Y/c) shouted outside my room. I quickly put on my black toga along with a blue veil hanging around it, and along with the black graduation cap.
I checked myself again as I stood in front of my mirror.

Everything was okay... Inside I was wearing the shirt Randy made for me. He said that its his birthday gift for me, it was a black shirt with a saying 'My Gravy Fries' and below it had a drawing of a tray of gravy fries. And for the bottom part, I just wore my black jeans and some sneakers. Now that I've thought of it, He's either saying two things in this shirt...
Firstly, he might think that I love gravy fries.
Secondly, he's trying to say I'M his gravy fries... GF which also means... GIRLFRIEND!

Nah... It must be the first one...

I rearranged my hair and with one final look, I got to the door and opened it.

I saw (Y/c), who suddenly blushed as he saw me.

"Um... Is something wrong?" I asked.

"N-Nothing... Its just that you... Looked different..."

"What're you talking about? I woke up like this..." I said with sarcasm as I flip my hair. "Now, don't just stand there were gonna be late for our own graduation." I continued and walked passed him.

"Last one who makes it to school gets to treat the winner. 321 GO!" (Y/c) said as he counted fast and ran right pass me.

"Oh no you didn't..." I said as I ran for the door and locked it at the same time.

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