Nightmare On Norrisville

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---Randy's POV---
I just turned awhile for a second and then she's gone...? What the juice...!?
I didn't waste not time... I hurridley got out and Ninja Leap on to the roof to see if she's still here on the neighborhood. And luckly she was and it looked like she's gonna kill someone... Like she was a blood thirsty vampire looking for a prey to sink their teeth into. But then, she suddenly stopped... For there was a teenage guy in a white shirt with some shorts on while walking on the streets who was distracted by looking at his phone probablly texting someone.

And it looks like she found her prey...

I quickly got off the roof and dashed to where (Y/n) was.

But then there was a sudden scream....

I ran as fast as I can but I know its too late...

I see the guy's dead body lying on the streets... Blood escaping through his lifeless body. His white shirt was now slowly turning red. I couldn't thought that (Y/n) would do this... But she is an assassin after all... But why!? This has to have a reason... If not, I have no choice but to put her in juvenile or even more worst then that. I called the hospital awhile ago but i think they'll come too late and, a bit scared as I try this... I placed my hands on his chest, and I couldn't feel any heartbeat... I closed my eyes and focused. For I was going to use the Ninja heal on him, light beams suddenly shoted out my hands... And pretty soon I could feel the boy's heartbeat... I must've mastered this Ninja heal thing huh? I jumped on buildings just to find her...

I need to know what's going on....

But if my suspitions are right..... I really got to find her now.

~~~(Y/n)'s POV~~~
I ran to an alley and couldn't shake the feeling that I killed an innocent guy. My heartbeat got louder and louder...

I looked at my trembling hands and it was covered in blood. I threw away the knife I used and just leaned on the bricked wall.

Please not now.

I looked at my shaking hands and suddenly-....

---Randy's POV---
I'be been searching around Norrisville and still no sign of (Y/n). The sun was setting and it would be dark soon.
"You got anything bud?" I said through the ear phone in my suit.
"Negative dude." Howard replied. By the way, Howard is now helping me find (Y/n) since he got bored and had nothing to do...
"Let's try tomorrow again... Its getting late soon." He has a point though.
"Yeah..." I sighed as I got down from a building. "Let's call it a day."
"I'll check you back later on. H out." Howard said as he hung up.
I still want to search for (Y/n), even though Howard was out. My mom wouldn't mind since she's on a trip somewhere. I checked the time and it was 6:00 pm already. Just have to go around town then...

~- After Awhile -~
//A girl suddenly scream//

I shifted my attention to the scream and quickly got down from a tree that I was resting on and sprinted as fast I can. Then I stopped....
"P-please.... H-help Ninja." A teenage girl said crying her heart out as she held a lifeless of a guy. Must be her boyfriend.
Blood escaping through his chest, the girl's clothes was now painted with his blood. A crowd of people was suddenly surrounding us and tried calling 911.
"Is he your... Uh... Boyfriend?"
"Y-Yess... C-can you help him!?" She asked as tears escaped her eyes.
"I-I'll try." I placed my hands on his chest and focused. Light beams came out of my hands again and I was feeling a bit weak, but its all worth it to save someone's life and be hero once in awhile.
The guy suddenly jolted up and took a deep breathe while the girl was shock, after that she hugged him real tight.
"Don't ever do that again!" The girl said still hugging him tight, the guy was shocked too but later on, he hugged her real tight and replied...
"Don't worry... I won't." He reassured her. The crowd of people said 'Awww' . I don't know about you but, I think this is too cliche but its kinda cute though.
"Uhm.. Hate to break this 'reunion' but... Who did this?" I said as I asked the 'couple'.
"I-i dunno. It was too fast, I was walking with my girl when suddenly there was a silhouette of a person with red eyes with a grin plastered across its face. My reflexes kicked in and I pushed my girl away and... That happened." The guy replied.
"I did see the person sank back into the shadows. It was creepy as if that person was really shadow. But that can't since Shadow is a hero right Ninja?" The girl asked.

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