.The Plot Twists Are STILL Coming.

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---Howard's POV---
I woke and opened my eyes but... I close them up fast and pretended to be unconscious cause I think I might be waking up to a bad situation.

I heard Randy crying. Wait, crying? That big baby. What's he crying about now?

I opened one of my eye only a little just to see what's he crying about, probably loosing the battle and its up to Howard to save the day huh?

But it shocked me when Randy was surrounded by green smoke.. I thought that the Ninja would never get stanked?!
Although, under that heroic mask of his, lies a vulnerable soft Cunningham.


But its still not a good time to stand up and go to Randy... 

Oh wait...

I reached for my gun, and I pointed it at (Y/c) who was distracted, I aimed and BAAM!

Did hit him!? Its impossible he dodged that.

"Tsk... Tsk... I've never thought that you would do that, Howard." (Y/c) said who completely dodged it. I got up quickly and ran for the door.... and for my life. But then, (Y/c) came and in a blink of an eye... he was right in front of me. Using his left hand, he hits an area in between my shoulder and neck...

And in an instant...

I blacked out.

-~ After Minutes of Not Knowing What Happened~-
I opened my eyes and everything seems blurry...

But when my vision finally settled, It appears to be I'm in a cage. I stood up and tried to look around, which I never should've done. I saw that I as in a wide room and below me is a pool of... acid..? 
I quickly panicked and shouted for help even though I know no one will be there.

"Oh. I see you're awake now." A voice said, it was so familiar that I could identify who was it.

"(Y/c)! Just what do you think you're trying to do? Take over the world?!" I demanded.

"Hmmm, Yes. Why ask something you already know?" (Y/c) said.


"I could see that you have a shocked expression on your face... I wish could tell you why I'm doing this..... but... that would be too soon. I mean, what kind of villain explains his back story then tells his evil plan!?" He said in disgust.

"Well... Isn't it suppose to be like that..?" I said confused.

"It is but.... then it'll end the fun.." He said as he tilted his head as if he wants me to look the other way. I turned around and I was in complete shock.

Randy got stanked.

It wasn't all a dream..

It showed a gigantic bird. He somehow resembles a Pilead robin... only bigger and more scarier. Good thing the city has been evacuated. Anyway, It has black feathers from its tail to its body, but when it comes to his head it had a mix of white and red. Its talons were sharp and were grabbing cars and let's go of it causing an explosion near by.

And its eyes... Its eyes were bloody red....

Now that I've looked at it... It kinda looks like the Tengu... But even fiercer. He breathes out fire and burned a building down just now. After that, he kept on pushing the buildings around him causing more destruction. He must be so angry at himself.. and thinks its his fault that (Y/n)'s dead. 

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