.Norrisville's Most Wanted.

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---Randy's POV---
I opened my eyes and my ears kept ringing. I saw Howard lying on the ground too. 
I crawled to him and tried to wake him up for awhile, but he woke up eventually. He started coughing and got up. Good thing he's alright.

Wait.... WHERE'S (Y/N)!?

I got up quickly even though I felt dizzy after that flash. I stumbled and coughed at the smoke that was coming from the machine, And the board full of buttons was now broken and sparking with electricity. Is there a chance that this will start a fire? I should probably unplug it though... 

And so, I unplug it from the socket.

After that, I went to check to (Y/n). I was surprised to see the glass was still there after the flash though. The glass must be unbreakable..
I saw (Y/n) laying down inside the booth, but on the other side of the booth... 
I saw a dark figure trying to get out of the booth.. Which made me have chills down my spine.
"Whoa.. Is that Nightmare?!" Howard asked getting closer to the other booth. But as soon as he touched the glass the black figure tried to attack him but it just bounce back since it is an unbreakable glass. Howard jumped back when that happened.
I heard a groan comming from the booth where (Y/n) was, like she's waking up.
I didn't hesitate to opened the glass door and carried her bridal style and went upstairs. She's so pale...
"Howard, just stay there and keep watch of that thing while I go set (Y/n) at the couch... DON'T LET IT OUT ALRIGHT?!" I said to Howard.
"okay MOM." Howard said being sarcastic. I just rolled my eyes and continued to go up the stairs.
Once I was upstairs, I quickly set her down on the couch and rushed to the kitchen to get her an ice bag. I rushed back to her and just when I was going to put the bag on her top of her head....

"CUNNINGHAM!" Howard suddenly said from the basement. I put down the ice bag and thought of how it was such a perfect timing.

Once I got down the the stairs...
"What is it-... WHAO!" I said as I looked at the booth where the the black thing was but.... There wasn't a black thing anymore....

It has formed into.... (Y/n)?!

No.... Its Nightmare... But still (Y/n)...? Her (e/c) was now bloody red along with sharp teeth. Her nails were sharp too like they were claws.

And she's starring right at me which made me have chills.

Once she saw me, she started scratching up the glass and punching it.
"Haha! Shoob! You can't break that-..." Howard said teasing her but then... It cracked.
"I THOUGHT THIS WAS AN UNBREAKABLE GLASS?!" Howard said now panicking.
"I didn't say anything!" I said defending myself. I saw a button at the side of the booth and it said 'Metal Door'. So I assumed that it must be a second door to add to the glass door.
Once I pushed the button, a metal door suddenly dropped and sealed the glass door.

We sighed in relief.

"Will that be able to stop Nightmare?" Howard said getting scared.
"I don't think so... But it'll-..." I cutt off by a loud thump above us. Like something has fallen...

"(Y/n)!" We both said and came rushing upstairs.

Once we got up, (Y/n) was no longer on the couch.
"Where is she?!" I said searching for her. Did she go outside?!

"Uh... Dude...?" Howard said in the kitchen.

"Have you found-... Oh..." I gasp as I saw (Y/n) lying in the floor. I quickly carried her back to the couch.

She slowly opened her eyes and smiled at me.

"Sorry, I just wanted some McBubbleslam..." She said with a weak voice.
"What the juice? What happened to you?! Why are you so weak?!" I said placing the ice bag on top of her head.
"I.... I don't know..."
Howard came with two cans of McBubbleslams and gave one to (Y/n), and so she sat up and opened it and she began drinking it.
"Didn't you say Nightmare was a 'part' of you?" Howard said after sipping his drink.
"I did, since she's in my blood.... Oh wait, so that's why there were injections that appeared on the side.. It must've sucked my blood." (Y/n) said as she showed us both of her arms and there were tiny marks of injections.

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