.Mission Status : Its Complicated.

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Hey guys... Sorry for the super late update... Wifi is messing with me.. so yeah....

Thanks for waiting on this chapter... I hope its worth the wait though...


---Randy's POV---

I carried Howard on my back and once we were high enough, I went to nearest vent and kicked the lead off. I went in and I never felt something so heavy lift off my back. 
We never got the chance to climb up the tower cause we noticed Robot birds flying around, we just hope that those birds didn't saw us.
"Hey, remember when evil Julian got those green power balls? I'm getting a major de javu here." Howard said as we continue to go a long the vent.
"Yeah, I know right. But keep quiet alright? This is supposed to be a secret mission, so keep quiet." I warned him and he kept quiet.

Not gonna lie, but it made me feel de javu too.

I remembered that this vent was Ninja-proof though... But, I ain't seeing any traps or things.
"Remember there were traps here....?" I asked.
"Don't ask me... Haven't been in here for awhile..." Howard said behind me.
I didn't have the chance to reply cause then the vent we were standing on suddenly tilted down, We shrieked as we slid down the vent. While we were sliding down, The vent suddenly split. I was going straight while Howard slid on the other side... 

Great, now the plan is ruined.

I landed on my feet and I noticed that I was in a.... dark room?
I don't know whether I'm closing my eyes or the room is just that dark.... I could feel myself breathing heavily not knowing what's in the dark...

Did (Y/c) already saw us?

Suddenly, The lights flashed open. I quickly draw out my sword and it looks like I'm in a room... It was a rather small room though. No windows, only one door...

A bit scared of the bright white room, I quickly grab the door knob and tried to turn it.... But its locked. I stepped back and just tried to kick it open...

Suddenly, there was a big explosion and I was blown away by it that I landed on the wall. I got up real quick to make it look like nothing but when the smoked cleared, I was shocked to see...

Many Chainsaw Wolves in front of me..

I got my sword out and sliced the one infront of me.
"You've been a 'BAD DOG' lately!" I said as I sliced another one. I guess (Y/c) already knows we're here and we're about to kick his butt.

 -~-(Y/c)'s POV-~-
"Hmmm.. They're finally here.." I said as I watched Randy sliced up all the Chainsaw Wolves while saying terrible puns through the cctv camera. I thought these robots were supposed to stop the Ninja... Their robots are weaklings.

Since the Ninja is already here, I should probably release my surprise for him. And he's not going to love it one bit.

---Back To Randy's POV---
I made it out alive and just went through the hallway... 

I figured that if (Y/c) was here, he should be at Mcfist's Office.... That's where a villain should be right?

But that's at the top floor... And I'm like at the middle. Well, Better speed this up.

While I was passing a few door, I heard a scream that was quiet familiar....

I went back and tried to go where the scream came from, and when I opened it....

I was shocked to see......... Howard?

"Howard!?" I said to him. The room he was in was full of sweets and chips and what-not. How come he ended up here while I was almost killed by Chainsaw Wolves!?
"This.... This can't be..... THEY'RE OUT OF CHOCOLATES!" Howard said shouting as he fell down to his knees and cried out a loud 'NOOOOOOOOOOO!'.


"You can't be serious... How could you eat at a time like this?!" I asked him.
"Uuuuh.... Stress eating...?" He said as he turned to me and his mouth was covered in chocolate.
"Did it occur to you this is a serious mission!?"
"Whoa... Chill out Ninja! You should have one of these!" Howard said as he handed me a bag of Mcsquiggles. I moaned and took it anyway. I mean, who wouldn't want free candy?

Once I've drag Howard out the room, We continued with the plan and split up again.

I sliced every robot coming my way, and once I saw  an elevator... I jumped right in. I mean, Nobody takes the stairs right? I pressed the top button and I waited.

But then, it stopped.

The elevator doors opened and I was prepared if a robot jumped out.

But then I saw (Y/n) standing before me. Didn't know if this was real or not though.
"(Y-Y/n)!?" I said shocked and looking at her from head to toe.
"Missed me?" She said as she quickly went in and closed the doors. The elevator went up again.
"H-How is this-..." I started but then..
"I'm an Assassin." She said with a smile.

I was supposed to smile back but then the elevator stopped, but this time the doors aren't moving.
"(Y/c) must've stopped the elevator from running." She observed.
"Yeah, But this ain't stopping me." I said as I grabbed my sword and cut a hole big enough for me and her.
Once we were out we started climbing up the metal bars on the side, and when we saw that we were on the top floor... I gave some Ninja-tengu fireball to that door and it was blasted open.
"Niceee..." (Y/n) said as she jumped to the floor. She helped me up too.. But after that, I noticed her breathing fast.
"Now, to face him." I said as we approached the door to Mcfist's office. "Are you still weak..?" I asked (Y/n). Hey, I'm concerned okay?
"Kinda... But I'll be fine. You'll still protect me right?" She said as she catching her breathe.
"You can count on me." I said with a smile. "You ready?" (Y/n) asked as she brings out her pistols.
I nodded and opened the doors to Mcfist's office.

I held my sword tightly and once we opened the door, we came raging in....

But it was all dark....

We still went in but then the doors suddenly closed.
"Stay close (Y/n)." I said to her, but I can't actually see her since its so dark here.
"Right behind you." She said back.

But then, The lights suddenly turn on.

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