Sorry Guys....

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Hey there guys....


I'm saying sorry for two things...

I'm sorry that I haven't updated yet.....


DO You still know that writer that copies my work and publishes as its hers!?...

Well.... She didn't stop I'll tell you that...

"Maybe its by chance that our stories are the same..." I said to myself, but I clearly doubt it. I checked it out and it just published recently, and whats worse is..... She is one of my followers.

I don't want any trouble, so I didn't report her book. Maybe she's just stuck and wants an idea (that's how much I'm kind)....But in order to stop this.......

I'm deleting this book....

I mean, THE TWO BOOKS..... I'm deleting them both.... Later this afternoon.... Or maybe tomorrow....


Yeah, sorry guys..... Don't bother to report her or ask me what's her username..... She's probably reading this too...

And that's the second thing I'm sorry for....

See u around,(probably not...)

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