A Million Fireworks

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*Keep in mind that the TWO have switched their bodies!*

~~~(Y/n)'s POV~~~

I was spending the afternoon with (Y/c) in the house and since it was raining outside, we stayed in. This is cool though... Pizza for breakfast, Is that even considered healthy?..
I haven't had any pizza for awhile. So what could possibly go wrong?.. I need some drinks with this, Is it a good idea to have some soft drinks in the morning?...
"Hmmm, this pizza is missing something. I have some McBubbleslams in the fridge, Would you like some?" I asked him, I think he's in a deep thought cause he's still looking at me... turning bright red again.
"Uhm... (Y/c)..?"
Still looking at me...
Still looking at me... This is scaring the cheese out of me... 
"(Y/C)!!!??..." I said shouting a bit. He finally snaps out of it and nods back at me.
I took a deep breathe and got into the kitchen to get the McBubbleslams. What the juice is wrong with him? C-Could it be that he feels the same way about me...?


I highly doubt that....

---Randy's POV---
I did a face palm as (Y/n) leaves the living room. Why did I even look at her for so long?! She must've feel so unconfortable....
But... I still can't believe....


I'm freaking out... I better find what good to do just let this weird atmosphere lift up again. Once (Y/n) sat at the couch again and gave me her Mcbubbleslam... I just took a gulp of it and-and.... 
I could feel something rising inside of me...


Could it be-...?







I think my burp was louder than I expected though... cause then, (Y/n) starred at me with eye brow arched up. 
"That was.... AWESOME!" She suddenly laughed after that. (Y/n) took a big gulp of Mcbubbleslams and waited for it... 
Is she gonna do it?...

I burst out laughing and I didn't thought that (Y/n) had it in her.
"Just because I'm a girl, doesn't mean I can burp like you guys do." She said as she smiled then laughed again. After we stopped laughing and ate some pizza, (Y/n) clicked the remote and the tv opened up... aaand it was on the news channel.
"We aren't sure if the weather will be clearing up later on the 'A Million Fireworks' show that we'll be having at the park, the gates will be open from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. There will be fun activities that were having. Sources say that it will clear up on the afternoon.. And we'll be keeping track of the weather and news." The Anchor girl reported and so the news continued. Then, an idea went to my mind... Since I'm in (Y/c)'s body, I'll ask her to that show and if I get rejected then, it's worth a shot I guess.
Well, here goes nothing.
"Hey, I was wondering if  you... uh... I-If you want to go to the Fireworks later on? Well, that is, of course if you had anything better to do-..."
"Yeah.. sure. Why not? It could be fun! Maybe I'll invite Randy too!"
"NOOOOO!" I shouted real loud... oh shoot, Now (Y/n)'s looking at me with a confused face.
"I-I was just hoping that it could be just the two of us... you know... uh... You knw what you could invite him if you want, it was dumb idea to just be he two of us-...."
"Whoa... R-Really? JUST.THE.TWO.OF.US?!" (Y/n) said as she started turning red and kinda stared off into the floor. Does she have any feelings for (Y/c)? I don't understand it but its quite obvious though... What should I do...?
I just snapped my fingers a couple of times and called out her name... When it didn't work, I sat next to her and...
"(Y/n)...?!" I said as I waved my hand in front of her... She blinked a couple of times and then said...
"Yeah... that'd be awesome. B-But, W-We should get some snacks first... Wanna go to the groceries?"
"Uhm... Sure." 
Well, Since it was morning and we hadn't... uh... we hadn't took a bath yet.... I let (Y/) used the bathroom first. 
Wonder what's (Y/c) doing?

-~-(Y/c)'s POV-~-
I woke up to the sound that someone kept on repeating 'Randy'. I opened my eyes and saw that I was in a different room. If you woke up on a room that you didn't know, what would you normally do?...
Freak out.
That's what I did, but then I realize.... this bed, was a bunk bed. So, I fell to the floor but got up right after I hi the ground. 
"FINALLY!" Someone said as I got up. Was that.... Howard? And it looks like he was waiting for me to get up.
"Good morning...? I'm sorry but, what the juice are you doing in my room?" I asked him.
"Whaaaat?! Did you forget that you promised me that we'll play this NEW game that my uncle FROM CANADA got for me..?"
"O-Of course not...heh." I said back as I sat next to him. Hey, If Randy promised Howard.. Its my duty to play this game just like Randy would... But even better. I grabbed a hold of the game console and we started playing the game...
So this is how Randy spends his afternoon...

---Randy's POV---
I was still waiting for (Y/n) to finish using the bathroom and it took like forever.... Does a girl usually bathes that long?! I was about to knock on the door to check if she was done or not when suddenly the door opened...
I starred at (Y/n) who was wearing nothing but a towel around her body...
(Y/n) was shocked and turned bright red. But as soon as she saw me starring at her, she slammed the bathroom door shut. While I was left still blushing and still standing at the place.
"(Y-Y/c)?!.... C-Could you get into your room? P-Please.." (Y/n) said behind the door.
"U-Uh... S-Sure..." I said as I got into my room and closed the door. But as soon as I closed the door real loud, I heard the bathroom door open, followed by loud running foot steps.
"Y-You can go out now..." She shouted from the other room. 
I came out and I still couldn't shake my feeling about earlier... 

-~-(Y/c)'s POV-~-
I can't believe we just cleared that level! I mean sure it was a though boss battle, but with team work and allot of Mcbubbleslams... We made it. I think I'm going to like this game.... until the game ended.
"Awww... What now?" I said getting bored pretty quickly.
"Don't worry amigo, We have the part two here!"
And so.... it begins again.

~~~(Y/n)'s POV~~~
We went to a local convenience store and brought all the stuff, (Y/c) was carrying some paper bags and some of the food I made was in the picnic basket that I'm carrying. And I still can't believe that (Y/c) 'checked' me out when he saw me earlier. I mean, I saw his eyeballs go from bottom to top and I think he didn't want me to shut the door either... Pffffft, men these days...
But then (Y/c) coughed and I think its to get my attention or something..
"Hey uh.. (Y/n)? I'm so sorry for the way I 'looked' at you earlier." He said not making eye contact with me.
"Really? You're sorry?! Did you regret IT?!" I replied.
He was surprised by the way I replied and didn't answer. Oh... so he doesn't regret it... >:|
"I'm really sorry though..." He said again...
"Just..... don't do it again will ya?" I said with a shrug.
"Heh, I won't." He said with an innocent smile.
We got some time to kill so... we stopped by the pier, its only 5:00 pm anyways. Since we haven't been there, now's the great time to go there. So, went around and I couldn't help but remember my first date with Randy. He bought me to fair and won a teddy bear just for me, Plus, we dunked a clown which was so bruce. I hope that clown isn't here to ruin my chances with (Y/c).
"Hey, Anything you want?" He asked me with a smile.
I looked around us there was plenty of stores to choose from. But over all that stores, I saw a very unique bracelet that was just displayed outside of an accessories store... Sure I wanted a stuff toy but I think I want that bracelet even more cause I think its calling my name. The bracelet has two neon and white think threads tat was tied together, and good thing it was (f/c) and (Another color). Plus, it had some stars attached to it.
"You want that huh?" (Y/c) suddenly said.
"Whaaaaaaaaaaaat?!... No way! that's too-...Yeah, who am I kidding? Yes I want that." I said giving up and it would be dumb of me to deny it though. He walked into the store and after a few minutes, he walked out a bit dizzy though.. and I didn't see the bracelet but what I did saw was a white box.
"H-Here..." He said blushing and gave it to me. I opened it and saw the bracelet but... there was something hanging in the middle, I think it was a charm. But what made me more happy was the charm itself. I was about to ask if he was alright but then...
"Hope you didn't mind though... The store clerk wanted me to pick one charm and I picked those."
"But why a tray of Gravy Fries?" 
"Well, I actually don't know.. I-I .... Uhm... I guess some part of me just had to pick it.." He said still blushing and looking at the charms. 
"Awww, that's so sweet..." I said with a blush and a smile. After that, we went got orange flavored Popsicle sticks but when he tried break them apart, it was uneven. The other one was big and the other one was small. I grabbed the big one since, well.... its ice cream.
"Hey, Why couldn't you just buy two ice creams?"
"Well, it wouldn't be sweet than this wouldn't? Plus, I don't have that much money on me." He said with a laugh. I laughed back too and took a nibble on the popsicle and it wasn't that bad.
A few hours have passed and it was fun until it was almost 7:00 pm.  
"Oh shoot. We better get going if we want to get a great spot for the fireworks..." He said we walked out of the pier.
Man, its like 20 minutes away...

---Randy's POV---
I.... I feel.... strange.... somethings not right.
I feel like I'm remembering something but when I try to... it always seems to disappear. My vision shook a bit when I picked the gravy fries charm thingy. But I just took a deep breathe and ignored it with what's happening right now.
"C'mon (Y/c)! You slowpoke!" (Y/n) shouted from the top of the hill. I run up to the slope hill and breathe a little. I was surprised as (Y/n) was already sitting at the picnic mat and had snacks out. And it looks like she picked the right spot though cause right in front of us... something like a movie theater but... with no seats, no air condition, and it was open. 
Its some kind of Horror film and it looks like (Y/n) is getting interested in it. She opened a bag of chips and offered some to me... I took some and watched the horror film. 
And good thing it was only starting too....

- After a few hours -
The girl was running in the woods and it looks like was tripping over some twigs and finds an abandon house... She was doubting whether to go in or just keep on running. But then she heard foot steps getting louder and louder, it was getting close. So, she had no choice but to go in and hide.
"Well, She's gonna die..." I whispered to (Y/n).
"SHHHHHH! You're ruining the moment." She said with her eyes glued at the screen.
She ran across the halls and goes up the stairs and goes into the first room she sees and locks the door behind her. 
She kept quiet for awhile and stands back....
Silence filled the room...
But then the girl heard loud foot steps coming up the stairs..
But then it suddenly stops....
"BOOOO!" I shouted at (Y/n) to scare her. And it worked... haha... she looks so cute when she's scared.
Without any warning, the one chasing her suddenly started pounding the door... breaking it down.... unitl... BAM! 
Surprisingly, the girl had a gun all along and shot the guy down before he could even reach her.
"This isn't the kind of movie bud.."
The girl said as she walks off like a boss and the movie ended.
"Well, that was.... uh...." I said awkwardly.
"Yeah... I know right?" (Y/n) said back.
It was almost time for the Fireworks show and it took longer than expected.
"Did you have fun today?" I asked (Y/n) with a smile.
"Yeah, I did. Thanks for the bracelet again!" She said with a smile but then when we saw the bracelet..... It was glowing brightly in the night. 
"WHOA! ITS A GLOW IN THE DARK BRACELET!" She said shocked as me.
"So that's why its so expensive.." I said back.. (Y/n) laughed and smiled at me.
"T-There's something I want to tell you... (Y/c)..." (Y/n) said being all serious all of a sudden.
"Hmmm, What is it?"
"Well, I don't know what's the reason but... Maybe its because you're kind, handsome, or.... There's something about you that... Well, What I'm trying to say is...." (Y/n) mumbled out and blushing.
"I-I've fallen for you!"
 She said with eyes full of hope that I'll say the same way too... I-I don't know what to do.. 
"Look, I don't expect that you feel the same-..." She didn't have the chance to finish the sentence cause I suddenly leaned forward and kissed her...
And at the exact same time I kissed her, the sky was suddenly filled with bursting colors..
If you ask me, I think this was a perfect kiss....
But one thing ran on my mind...
Did I do the right thing?

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