You're NOT Going To be Happy...

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Hey guys! I'm sorry for not being a good Author to you... I haven't update about a week right?...
Well, There's TWO reasons actually...
//sighs//... First of all, I wish I could just finish typing the story but I have this 'Semi-Finals Exam' and allot of school related things..
You right now: "I thought that this was an update! -3- C'mon Author-chan, WHY U NO UPDATE!?"
Me: "Eheheh... so sorreh... ._." "
Anyways... I have to study REAL hard if I want to have a summer. Why you might ask? My teacher said that...
Tchr: "If your grades didn't improve in the Semi-Finals exam, I'll have to recommend you to go to SUMMER SCHOOL." 
Inside my head: "NOOOOOOO!"
So, yeah.. that's the first reason. If I want my summer to be school-free, I have to study.. 
Second reason, I think someone's copying my work/book. If that person is reading this right now, I'm begging you to stop.. cause you know how hard it is to figure out what readers want in a book!? And you'll be like..
"Hey this is a great book! I'll just copy it! Nobody will notice it anyway..."
Its not bad if you read cause you need inspiration or something just please stop copying it...

Anyways, Thanks for waiting and having patience to deal with an author like meh. 
I'll be able to update on Friday or Saturday.I just hope that the wait will be worth it, and again sorry for leaving you guys in a cliffhanger. (._.")
                                                                                                                                                                                 Less than three,

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