.At Whoopie World.

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---Randy's POV----
We finally got on the roller-coaster and we picked the first seat cause Howard managed to trick (Y/n) into seating there. Me, still being in the Ninja, got to sit next to (Y/n).


Well, there's no turning back now. Since there's only room for two, Howard got to sit behind us with another random stranger.
Wait, only two persons? Her next to me? This must be fate working! Finally! Its on my side now! OH MY JUICE! THANK YOU! I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS ALL MY LIFE!
If she gets scared in the ride, She might hold me tight and it will be so-...

"Oh C'mon... How come you're there? Just because (Y/n) is scared doesn't mean you have to be there you know..." Howard said pouting and mumbling things under his breathe.

"I have to be there... Cause I'm her Ninja." I said as I looked at (Y/n) and she suddenly blushed. "I-I'm not scared!" She said as she looked away. I was about to say something when...

"OMJ! NINJA IS THAT YOU?" That voice... it couldn't be... please no...

I guess fate got other plans for me...

We three both turned and saw... Theresa who was standing beside the rollercoaster cart. She really had a big smile.

"No. I'm not the ninja. Can't you clearly see that?" I said sarcastically.

"Oh Ninja! Always making jokes!" She said as she made a courtesy laugh.

Please don't sit here. Please don't sit here. Please don't sit here. Please don't sit here.

"Anyways.." She continued. "Is anyone sitting here Howard?" She asked politely. (Y/n) ignored her and she just sat there quietly.

"Uuuhh... Yeah!" Howard suddenly said.

"Really? Is it Randy?!" She said as her face lit up with a smile.

"What? Uh Randy? He's right over-..." Howard said but interrupted by (Y/n) who elbowed him.

"Ow... He's right over... At his house. He's scarred of rollercoasters..." Howard sad with a smirk.


I just sat there looking at him with a glare.

"Oh.. He's not here? That's too bad." Theresa said with her smile disappearing.

"He's not here okay? Now get lost." Howard said not giving a damn about her.

"Then.. Who's sitting here?" Theresa suddenly asked.

"Oh you know.. uh..." Howard said as he scanned the crowd until he finally said...
"THERE HE IS RIGHT NOW!" Howard said as he pointed at a random guy waiting and standing just in a distance. Wait, is that Doug?

"Doug? Really?" Theresa said not believing Howard.

"Yeah.. I know right? Oh uh... I mean, YEAH!" Howard said faking his excitement.

Doug looked at us weirded out and squinting his eyes at us looking as if he can't believe this is happening.

"Y-Yeah! C'mon Doug! you silly dawg!" Howard said acting as if he really knew that guy. I'm cringing so bad right now.

Doug came running and sat next to Howard.

Me and (Y/n) can't believe that just happened.

"Oh... I see. I'm just... going to wait here now.." Theresa said as she walked away looking a bit sad. I felt kinda guilty after that.

"Wow Howard! It was so nice of you to offer me-..." Doug started but...

"SHUT UP DOUG!" Howard said getting annoyed already. He's been always like this with Doug.

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