Texting and Other Cheesy Stuff

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---Randy's POV---
Its been two days and ever since that night in the hospital, I feel like something or someone was taken away from me.. I can't explain why though. I can't even remember my dream at that hospital.. wait, did I even had a dream?! I-...
"Yo Cunningham?!" Howard said waving a hand in front of me. I snapped out of it and returned to reality of how my life is boring.
"Yeah.. I'm listening." I said as I lied back. 
"Pffft... Yeah right. Did you study for that science test yet? You better cause I'm going to copy form you.." Maaan... I forgot to study! Hmmm, Maybe its because I always thought of that feeling of something or someone was taken away from me... 
"No and.. You can't copy my test!"
"Cause its a test!"
"But I don't want to study!" Howard said whining like the five-year old he is. 
We go to our class and it feels strange not to see (Y/n) while we were walking down the hallway, cause whenever we were there.. she would always great me with that bruce smile of hers. But before I could enter the classroom... I saw (Y/n) walking down the hallway and it looked like she was coming to the same class, but she was chatting with (Y/c) and they were laughing together but then she waved goodbye to him. I said hi to her as she went into the room but she just passed me.... and I think she ignored it. Either that or she didn't hear that, I was gonna say something again but then Mrs. Driscroll called me in and said to take my seat, so I ended up not talking to (Y/n). She was at the backseat and I just sat at the front.
"You okey dude? cause you look like someone who was just ignored by someone not caring.." Howard said a little bit concerned.
"What? That's wonked up... who would feel like that?" Well, that would me.
"Attention please! As you all know, today is the test for the my subject and I can assure you, if you didn't study... You won't be able to answer this!" Mrs. Driscroll said chuckling. Its not even that funny, In fact, Its not funny! Anyways, she gave us each a paper and I swear... When I read the first question, I swear its more difficult than you think. I sighed and thought that I would totally screw and wonked this up. But, I hope my stock knowledge can help... And I sure hope it doesn't get stuck. (Lol! XD) 

-After that wonked up test- 

I didn't think I would be able to pass that test but... Yeah. I gave it my best. Plus, I couldn't focus cause I kept on looking at (Y/n). I don't know why but I feel attracted to her like a magnet. When it was everyone had passed their test papers, Mrs. Driscroll said that there was this event for Valentines Day which is three days from now..
((A/N I know its not February 14 but it will be soon... And I'm just making this for a very special chapter! XD))
Where in someone writes a song for a special someone and  gets a chance to sing it in public. Its either that or someone writes an essay of their 'love' one and gets a chance to ask her out, its like when someone gets mobbed and in the end they confess their feelings and gets a chance to be a couple. I don't know what I'll make though. I don't want to write an essay about how you honkin love someone, its like homework but with feelings and cheesy stuff. Plus, I don't want to try and make another song cause you'll have to find a tune and make lyrics and stuff. Hmmm... I wonder what's (Y/n) going to choose? Better ask her later after school. 

-After School-
I went out of school and catch up to (Y/n) on the way home. I called her name and I think she didn't hear it again. Man, has she gone deaf? I grabbed her arm and made her stopped from walking.
"(Y/n)!" I said as I grabbed her arm. She shrugged my hand off her arm and continued walking. What the juice is wrong with her?!
"Hey! Did I do something to you?!" I said as I grabbed her arm. She turned around with mixed emotions... she was angry and sad at the same time.
"Yeah! I'll tell you what you've done to me... You forgot about me!" (Y/n) she said with anger and continued to walk...
Forgot her?... WTJ?!


Since she was far away and I couldn't catch up with her. Plus, I didn't run after cause I was afraid of her cause she was did a death stare before she started walking away from me. So just to be safe, I texted while walking home. But surprisingly, she texted me first.

/-/What they were texting/-/
"Hey... sorry about earlier... I sorta lost it when you asked that question ._."
"Heh, No worries. I sometimes lost myself.. Btw, Were you ignoring me all day?"
"Yeah... ("._.) "
"Knew it! But Why? 0.0"
"Theresa made me do it. She said that were too close to each other and she's warning me  that if I ever talk or see me with you... she's gonna loose it. Plus, I promised her that I'll do it."
"WTJ!?... Is that how girls do when their in a relationship?! 030"
"I dunno... I guess... So uh, don't ever talk to me again..."
"Nope. I won't do that ... First, I didn't even promised her that I won't ever talk to you... XD. Second, You're my friend!... Third, I have no one else to hangout with except for Howard ;-;"
"Lol XD ... She's gonna flip when she founds out I was talking to you..."
"Pffft, don't worry about it... And Technically, were not 'talking'... Were texting! that's completely different... ;) "

~~~(Y/n)'s POV~~~
I opened the door to my room and just flopped on my bed and continued a texting marathon with Randy. Anyways, The test was easy peasy... I don't want to brag or anything but, I probabbly Aced that test. 

/-/Back to What they were texting/-/    
"If you say so lol..."
"Btw, What're you going to do with the Valentines Day event thingy? X3"
"Hmmm, not sure yet but... I'm going to write a song about someone special. (>///<) "
"Not so sure yet, But.. Who's your special someone tho?"
"I can't tell you. lol"
"How about yours?"
"Hmp, I if you won't tell yours then I won't tell mine either! -3- "

And so on, so fort. It ended there cause then Randy texted that he has to charge his phone. So yeah... Anyways, just to kill time... Wait, Who invented that phrase anyway? Kill time!?.. I mean, who does that?.. What if someone was named Time!? Would you kill that person?!.. Whoa.. I'm getting off topic here.. 
Uh so anyway, back to I was saying.. Just to spend the time I'm going to make the song.. Hmm, I should probably think of someone I love and then express my feelings... Its just very simple and yet Its so complicated. Someone I love ey?...

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