Got His Memories back.... Or Did He?

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~~~(Y/n)'s POV~~~
I was practicing my song while I wait for (Y/c) to get out from his room, cause... were already late for school. The contest will be later on and yeah, its going great.. I guess. And since I was bored before, Sage forced me to take guitar lessons and said that it would come handy someday and it did. But, I'm getting better at it though. I started playing my (f/c) guitar but then someone interrupted me.
"Heyo!" (Y/c) said as he gave me a nuggie. 
"Hey stop! You're messing up my hair!" I said as I laughed and got his arm off me.
"Nah, Its not even messy!" He said with sarcasm cause even though I couldn't see my hair, I could feel its messy.
"Pffft, yeah right." I said with a playful smile and tried to tie it to a pony tail.
"So... This is the song right?" He said as picked up the paper that had my song written out. I didn't try to steal it back since he'll be hearing it later anyways. He started reading it but he just raise his brow every line he says.
"Yeah, Its very confusing cause you haven't felt like this way before. Like, that person is always there but you can't seem to reach them." I said as I spaced out as I remembered me and Randy.
"I know how that exactly feels like." He said as he looked at me directly and sheepishly smiled but then he looked at the ground.
"So, what're you going to do?" I asked him just to change the subject real quick.
"Hmmm, I'm writing an essay." (Y/c) said with a smile.
"Really-..." I started but then....
"Or am I?"
"Ok...OK... I'm just joking!" He said with a playful smile.
"Ok then, g-..." I started again... but...
"OR AM I?!" He said with a smirk. I just face palmed myself.
"You know what? I'm not going to ask anymore." I said as I kept my guitar and got up.
"Hey, if you're nervous... Keep in mind that if you made a mistake.... Don't worry! Only a hundred students so, no pressure!" He said with a wink, I couldn't help but just take that with sarcasm. I think it was more of an insult than an advice. But before we went through the door, I grabbed my medicine from that day my head banged on that rock. Why? Well, the doctor said that to drink this everyday on mornings so yeah. He said that it would help with the healing of mind. At least, that's what (Y/c) told me.
"C'mon already! We'll be late.. Oh wait, nevermind. We're late.." (Y/c) said to pressure me.
And then, we got going.. But when I was going to school, My phone kept on buzzing and buzzing. Who would be crazy to text me this fast? I checked my phone and turns out..... it was... Randy? 

But that wasn't the wonked up part...

- What he texted - 
"Hey (Y/n)! I'm back! And I missed you! <3333.." received 7:50 AM
"Where are you?! -3- " received 7:52 AM
"Are you here in school?! Or did are you still at home?" received 7:53 AM
"Do you want me to pick you up? :)" received  7:54 AM
"You know what? I'm just going to look for you in the school.. XD" received 7:55 AM
"Anyways, I LOVEEE YOUUU!!! <3 (>///<) see yah later!" received 7:56 AM

I dropped my jaw as I read the last text....
H-He love me?...


D-Did he get his memories back?! O3O




Oh th-this is AMAZING!!! H-How did this happen!? You know what.. I don't care how the juice did he get his memories but... Maaaaan, I can't wait to see him! >3<
"WOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!" I said as I raised my arms in the air and started waving them. I didn't even notice that I was dancing the whole time. (Y/c) noticed and just raised a brow.
"Uuuhh... You ok (Y/n)?" He said as he stopped walking and asked me what's wrong.
"I think Randy got his memories back!" I said as  run off to meet Randy and just hug him real tight, like I always wanted to do. I felt kinda guilty as I left (Y/c) standing all alone though, but I couldn't help but just run to him and be back in his arms! 
Once I was in the school, I started looking for him and I think he's looking for me too... But since today is Friday, We don't have the same class and that's when I started questioning myself.
If Randy got his memories back, What will happen to Theresa? And what if he didn't get his memories back and this was all just a prank by Howard? Plus, I did promised Theresa to stay away from Randy... UGGGHHH! 
What should I do?
But then, the school bell rang.
So, I slowly went back and got into my first class. I was still thinking about what should I do that I haven't realize that the hallways were empty. I was about to reached for the door knob of the door when suddenly someone grabbed my hand and pulled me in for a hug. I blushed and didn't know who it was until he spoke. 
"I missed you."
Wait, R-Randy?!? (0///0) ... His voice sounds dreamy-er than before though...
Randy lets go of his tight grip and wraps his other hand around my waist. He lifted my chin up and I could see his sapphire blue eyes starring into my eyes, I blushed even more. But it didn't just stop there, As he lifted my chin... He didn't hesitate and just got closer and closer until the gap or space between us was gone...
Could this be it?!....
I closed my eyes and waited for his lips to touch mine...

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