" All for a Book "

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---Randy's POV---
Its been three days ever since the 'incident'. Howard and I stopped talking to each other since I know he lied to me.
Even though he wants to explain what happened I just ignored him.

I don't want to hear his excuses. What if it was just another lie?!

It was pretty hard doing it since were in the same dorm room but we continued it somehow. He made it pretty easy since he wasn't there all the time now.
Whenever we see each other down the hall or somewhere, its either he or I would avoid it. It seemed like we pretended we didn't exist.
But I do miss our long handshakes together.

And playing Grave Puncher with him.

And hanging out with him.

And making jokes-....

You're mad at him remember?!

Oh yeah. At least no one copies my homework anymore right?

I sighed and continued walking through paved road until I reached the library. There was a book I need to read since it was part of the thesis that we were doing.
As I walked in, the library wasn't that crowded. The librarian noticed me as she greeted me with a smile and I returned a smile too.
I walked further into the library and went to search for the book.

But when I got to the book's category column, I noticed that it wasn't there. Maybe someone checked it out.

I went back to entrance and headed to the librarian's desk for she keeps the record of what book comes in and out. She looks like in her late 30's with brown hair and wears black round glasses.

"Hello dear. What can I help you with?" The librarian asked.

"You see, I really need this book and I just noticed that it wasn't there." I replied.

"Oh, I see. What might be the name of this book you're looking for?" She asked me.

I handed her the paper which had the name of the book written down.

"Lemme check." She said as she turned away from me and typed the title of the book into the computer.

After a few minutes, she spoke up.

"Oh my. It's already been checked out."

Dang. Maybe I could borrow it from the person who checked it out?

"Uhm, may I know who checked it out?" I said as I gulped nervously.

Please be someone I know. Please. Please. Pleeaaaseeeee.

"Sure! Hmm.. Its been checked out just this morning by... (Y/n) (L/n)." She smiled.

It was checked out this morning by... (Y/n)?!


Great. Just great.

I said thanks to the librarian, got the paper, and walked out of the library slightly annoyed. I need that book since the thesis was really important and I don't to disappoint my group. There was no other choice than to go to her dorm room and get it myself.

Or I could sneak in her room and steal it.

I sat at a bench near by and just sit there arranging my thoughts.

Is fate getting us together? I know that this might be a coincidence but there's this force that no matter how much we're apart, there's always a way for me or her to get back.

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