.Ninja Train Express.

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~~~(Y/n)'s POV~~~
"The Ninja train has stopped." Ninja said as he stopped and gestured us to get in... Charlie Clucker's Chicken Bucket? They do have the best chicken in town... Plus, I've never actually eaten here ever since I got here. Its still the same after all the years went by.

"Let's go inside already... I'm hungrrrryyyyy...." Howard said as he moaned. We smiled and went inside..

"You sure? I mean, there's allot of people in there..." I said beginning to doubt to whether leave or stay.

"C'mon.. I'm the Ninja, what's the worst thing that could happen?" Randy said as he stepped in followed by Howard and me. Suddenly, Randy grabbed my hand. Of course, I was shocked at first but... I held it tight too as I blushed.

"Eww.. Seriously? We're in public! People are gong to see you!" Howard said feeling grossed out. I don't know whether he was saying that he's the ninja and seeing him with me holding hands would be bad or... Howard's just grossed out about Public display of affections or PDA.

But once we got inside.. Everyone stared at us and began to squeal and come running to us. Soon, there was a sea of people accompanied with flashing lights.

I lost my grip on Randy's hand and was pushed out of his side. I felt like I was really drowning at a sea of people. I called out and shouted for Ninja, but the crowds were too loud. Guess he didn't hear me.

I soon lost sight of hope... And Howard.

But then, Ninja jumped over the blue table and shouted..
"People of Norrisville!" And in an instant, they went crazy fangirl seeing their fandom from a student who listens attentively to their teacher. Soon it was quiet enough to let him speak.

"Please let me through to get our lunch." He pleaded. They suddenly made a way for him but that made things harder for me cause I'm at corner getting crushed between some girls and a wall. Didn't want to punch them so, I calmed down a bit.. Cause I kinda relate. The girls screaming and trying to be with him... That's how I felt every time I see him.
But right now, Ninja is busy signing autographs and taking pictures.

Maybe I should ask politely to those girls to make a way since they followed the Ninja's request so easily.

I tapped on one of the girl's shoulders, she turned around looking annoyed.

I gulped and cleared my throat..

"Uhm... Can I go through here? I need to go to the front.." I asked politely.

This girl suddenly gave me glare and..
"Pfftt... Like I would! You aren't the only who wants his attention!" She said with scowl.

I think I lost it....

"DON'T YOU DARE-...." I started but then...Ninja suddenly flipped onto that blue table again and ...

"I love you all! And smokebomb!" He said as he threw a smokebomb and the room was suddenly filled with red smoke around.
I started to cough and tries to see if he was still there... But someone suddenly grabbed my hand.

And at an instant, I knew who suddenly knew who this person was.

The person lead me outside while the girls were still coughing and searching for him.

"Maaannn... I'm sorry for getting you in trouble.. I should've just dressed as Randy today..." He sighed as he was taking off his mask. I instantly grabbed his arm to stop him, he stopped and looked at me shocked.

"Its fine... Even if you're Randy, you'll still get me in trouble... So either way, I'll still get the same out come." I said with a smile. He smiled back.

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