⚫ Letter from Author to YOU ⚫

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Hey guys... I just want to thank every single one of you that continued to read my story even though I roughly update once in a blue moon. I'm sorry for that.

And, I'm also saying sorry that I didn't get to the fifth chapter.. I just think that it should end there right?

But hey, I finally and officially got through it and published it! C'mon! Let's celebrate cause you've dedicated your time and effort for just waiting for the next chapter!

I can't thank you enough cause you've really red my book and that's all I wanted. For someone to read my stories and really like it. Thank you for making my dreams come true.

Thank you.





Hmm.. That's all I know hahaha

Also, regarding my other book I guess... Its another Randy Cunningham x Reader but its not the continuation of this. I'm not even sure if I'll be able to continue the story.

So I guess go check it out before I delete it....? I guess???

Being a writer has its good times but when its time to think of a plot and a surprise ending, that's the worst thing. Some of you expected to read something magical or extraordinary and I'm sorry if I didn't do my best at that.

I might be inactive for awhile, so yeah.

Thanks. I really mean it. And I can't believe its been two years its since I started this.

And so I'm thanking the very first person who voted on my first story.

So where ever you are... If you're reading this right now.. Thank you! If it weren't for you, I wouldn't continue to write this story. You really gave me that push to continue and finish my story.

And Thank you too for the ones who really read the first book and read this till the end... I really appreciate it!
Honestly, I literally make it up as I go. But it seems like I had it all planned huh?

Well, the secret is out.

Love you guys! *hugs you very tight and gives you a cookie* here ya go! ;D

See you later I guess..

- Faye

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