The Ugly Truth...

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---Randy's POV---
I was bored out of my mind while being tied to a TREE. It looked like I was one of those tree hugers who's making a protest to save the trees thing. Not that I'm against them or anything... I'd say I would have a green thumb but..... its not green.
Meanwhile... Dough was still here.... talking like there's no tomorrow.
"Hey, Dough... Wouldn't it be fun to see if anyone leaved you any easter eggs?" I asked him.
"Hmmmm, Yeah I guess so but-...."
"Don't worry Dough!... I'll take care of this little troublemaker...." a voice spoke from in front of us..
We both looked at where the voice came from and....
"Oh Hey (Y/c)! Would you really?" Dough asked (Y/c).
"Sure I will! Plus, I think its getting really boring in here isn't?"
"Oh it is.... Thanks again (Y/c)!" Dough said as he ran off and disappeared. I looked at (Y/c) with dark glare but in his response.... He just put on a smugged face.
"WHAT THE JUICE MAN?! WHY DID YOU DO THIS!?" I said as I struggled to get free from the ropes and just punch him on his freakin' face but it was getting tighter and tighter... Due to the pain, I let out a groan.
"Hmm... Whoa... Easy Ninja... Carefull... These are special ropes. The more you struggle to get free... The more tighter it'll get." He said with an unworried face.
"Is this what phase one is?!" I said trying to calm down. And the rope hopefully loosen up but not that loosen up.
"Isn't it great? The perfect cover. The nice guy, happy to help, and a honkin genious..."
"When I tell her that you're an evil guy.... You're gonna get it." I said as I glarred back at him.
"Heh. Was that a threat? Cause if it is.... How are you going to tell her huh? That we switched bodies and you found out that 'I' was an evil villain!?"
He's right.... Plus, if I told her that.... She's gonna think that I was playing with her emotions.
"Face it. Nobody will believe you.." He said with an evil grin.
"Just.... Please.... Leave her out of this..." I pleaded with mercy and hung my head.
"Are you serious!? Do you honestly think that saying 'please' would change my mind!? What about the Ninja huh?... Oh wait... He can't!"
"Wha-...." I was cut off cause (Y/c) suddenly pulled out something out of his jacket and....
It was.... THE NINJA MASK!?
"H-HOW DID YOU GET THAT!?" I tried to suck in the pain.
"Doesn't matter how I got it... Thanks for the help Ninja.." He said as played with it.
"I SWEAR IF I GET OUT OF-....." The rope got tighter. "Argh..."
"But how?! You're already struggling with that rope. I got what I need and now.... I'll begin phase two. Goodbye Randy." He said as he strated walking away from me but then, he paused for awhile and looked back at me with a terrifying look.
"Oh and.... Stay away from (Y/n) or YOU'RE going to get it." He said as continued walking.
Once he was out of sight... Not that I was scarred of him or anything...
"YOU'RE GONNA PAY FOR THIS (Y/C)!!" I shouted but then, it really got tighter and tighter. Like a snake was wrapping its body around me...

I closed my eyes and took deep breathes...

Keep calm Randy....

The rope hopefully loosen up but... Not that much... It was still tight on me...


Is it just me or is it getting hotter....?

I opened my eyes and saw that there was fire starting in front of me.... Shoot... Its coming close to my shoes.... Aw c'mon! These were just brand new! Did he set the grass on fire!? What is up with him and fire!?
Anyway, its was getting hotter and hotter ... And the fire was starting to spread like virus. Pretty soon, all of the trees around me were burning....

My heart started pounding and I started hyperventilating..
I started panicking again and struggled to get free but..... I forgot that these aren't ordinary ropes.... It got tighter and tighter every second.

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