" Betrayal At It's Best "

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~~~(Y/n)'s POV~~~
We walked around the campus in search for Randy but.. He wasn't anywhere to be found.

We've checked the library, hallways, classrooms... We even went back to his dorm but he still wasn't there.

Dang. I know I'm an assassin but, He's really hard to find.

Or is it just that I'm not as great as I used to?

"Got anything?" I asked Howard as he checked his phone. But sadly, he just shook his head no.

I texted him a bunch of times already and also called him but he won't pick up.

I mean, what if something happens to him? I need to find him real quick.

I typed into the phone...

" Hey.. Where are you? I'll explain everything just please... Tell me where you are... :(  "

I sighed as I pressed sent. That was atleast the 15th message.

"Hey (Y/n)..." Howard spoke up which caused me to look up from my phone and looked at him. "I know you love him and all but can we take a break? All this looking is really tiring.."

"I guess so." I said as I put my phone inside my pocket. Sigh.. Food wouldn't be so bad right now.

I decided to go for the common comfort food I ate. Ice cream. The ice cream parlour was just around the block so we decided to go there.

Howard wanted go to Charlie's Chicken Bucket... But that was just too far away.

As we went in the ice cream parlour, a tiny bell rang that was attached at the top of the door greeted us. The parlour wasn't occupied that much, in fact, it was empty. Well, except for the employees there.

We went to the cashier and ordered our favorites and paid for it. We sat down at one of the tables that was next to a window.

This was just what I needed. As I took a bite of my ice cream, I just felt the cold relief as I stared out of the window and looked at the sky which was filled with gray-ish clouds. I think its gonna rain in the next hour or two.

Howard and I just sat there silently enjoying our ice cream when suddenly, his phone rang. He scurried to get his phone and looked at who was calling.

One look, and I know who was calling. It was Randy.

"Can you-..." I started but got cut off immediately..

"I'll put it in speaker mode so you'll hear him but PLEASE be quiet okay?! I don't want him to know that I'm helping you or else it would be the end for us." He said as he put it speaker mode and I just smiled at him. It's like he knows what I'm about to say.

I sat there as he placed his phone on the table near him. I was still looking at him while listening to their conversation.

"H-Hey Buuuud.." Howard said awkwardly.

There was a long pause until..


Randy's voice came out from Howard's phone. I just exhaled quietly in relief since he's okay. I listened to the back ground of the phone call and tried to hear something that could be a hint to where he was.

I could hear...... birds chirping?


Trees or bushes rustling...

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